Chapter 37

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The smaller ante-room at the top of the castle had been chosen by Blake as a temporary command centre for it's windowless, office-like qualities. It's book case lined walls offered a cosier atmosphere for a meeting room and the darkness, when they extinguished the lights, allowed for easy reading of the make-shift data console. She had gathered up all the data pads she could find, linking some of them together in a circuit so that, as each one displayed part of a holo-map, as a whole, they completed it. Another, larger data pad rested on the table with a holo-vid conference call to Admiral Ackbar ready to be initiated. Leia looked approvingly at the set up as she entered the room, admiring Blake's initiative.

Madine stepped forward to shake Leia's hand when he saw her.

"Princess, it's good to see you up and about. Commander Blake told us of the terrible news when we arrived. I had no idea when you called us here, what had happened." Leia dismissed his concern with a wave of her hand.

"Thank you, but there's no need for your concern. We need to concentrate our thoughts on ending this activity as soon as possible." She nodded an acknowledgement to General Kobar. "Thank you both for coming so quickly. She looked round the room at those present and frowned, turning to Han. "Where's Luke?"

"I'm here." Luke's voice sounded behind her as he came up the steps to the ante-room. "Sorry I'm late." He nodded to everyone round the room and leant in to kiss Leia on the cheek. "Leia, may I speak to you before you start your meeting?"

"Of course."

"I brought someone with me from Chandrila who is requesting a moment of your time and who I think you really need to speak to. May I bring them in?" She frowned curiously.

"Yes, do." she agreed. She had endless amounts of time for Luke and if he thought it was important, she trusted his judgement. Luke went back through the archway and ushered in his guest. Leia's expression changed from curiosity to one of reservation as Ambassador San'teefa walked sheepishly up the steps into the room. His hands clasped in front of him, he bowed deeply from the waist to Leia.

"Your Highness." He turned to the other members of the meeting. "Gentlemen" and to Blake, "Commander."

Leia threw Luke a dubious and slightly annoyed look. What was he thinking, bringing her most irritating government opponent here and what reason could he possibly have for doing such a thing? She was just managing to hold herself together for a meeting, she was too weary for a political argument. Luke returned her look with one that told her to trust him and listen. Han watched their sibling facial exchange, trying to pick up clues as to what was going on. Luke had requested passage on the Falcon for his guest and Han had readily agreed, trusting Luke would have a reason but he wasn't overly fond of Neimoidians, distrusting their avaricious tendencies. Thankfully, the Ambassador had spent the whole trip in his bunk so Han hadn't had to make conversation. It was clear how Leia felt about their guest.

"Ambassador San'teefa?" She greeted him stiffly. "This is a surprise. What brings you all the way to the Outer Rim?" she enquired.

"Thank you for seeing me, Your Highness." She nodded a little impatiently, wanting him to get on with it. "I felt I owed it to you to come here and see you in person." Her curiosity peaked.


"I listened to what General Solo... Captain Solo told the Senate committee and was most concerned to hear what had happened to you. Captain Solo's words were direct and made your position here perfectly clear. I felt some personal responsibility for removing the military resources that may have prevented this from happening." Leia was surprised. She glanced at Han who was looking at the floor, slightly abashed.

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