Chapter 5

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General Madine and Commander Blake were expecting them as Han and Leia arrived at the Command Centre, hot and out of breath. Madine had called up a holo-image of the surrounding terrain on the central console, complete with the mountain range, the valley beyond and the base location. Leia went straight to the console.

"There." She pointed to the position of the outpost. "I'd say about the size of a small hanger, maybe 30 or 40 men if it's fully manned, and a landing platform beyond, large enough for one or two ships." It was an educated assessment as they hadn't seen that many men but a fair one based on Leia's experience of Imperial stations. As she described it, a tech officer entered the details and a representation of the outpost appeared on the map.

"You're sure they're Imperials?" Madine enquired. He knew he didn't really need to ask her that but he needed it to sink in to his own mind that there was an Imperial platoon on the same planet.

"We've observed six storm troopers outside with the transports but didn't see any more. It's a sure bet there are more inside though." Han confirmed.

"We need to send in a squad," Leia continued. "At this stage it's too risky for air assault and we don't have the ships at the moment anyway. We'll need to send them round through the East or West pass." Leia indicated the route on the holo-map. "It will take longer but the way we just used, the troops would certainly be seen before they got close enough." Her suggested route was entered into the computer by the tech officer and appeared on the map as she spoke. "The outpost has sensors so, whatever we do, those will need to be disabled as a priority." The general nodded.  "The East pass should afford some cover until the men are close, then we could send in drones to knock out the sensors on that side. It will be more risky where the pass widens though. They'll have to cross quite a bit of ground with little or no cover."

Leia spoke quickly, her mind running through the best routes, the best strategy, her tactical mind racing. She looked concerned. "I don't really want to risk the squad on such a loose plan, General. We haven't scouted that area completely yet but, at the same time, we can't leave the children to the Empire and we don't have long before the ship arrives that could be taking them off-world. We may already be too late." Leia was calculating the time it would take to travel the extra distance through the pass, the risks of the ill-conceived tactics, the possible reasons behind the capture of children. Battle strategy was normally her strength and it went against her better judgement to follow through with this. She ran a hand over her hair then placed both fists on the edge of the console, biting her lower lip, her sharp eyes surveying the terrain for a better solution. There didn't seem to be one.

"It's the only way round without ships," Han reassured her. "They'd be seen going over the top." She looked grim. She didn't want to send ships at this stage, however few they had. Troops were the only option.

"I know. It just feels too rushed, too risky. I feel like I should be going with them." She continued to stare at the console, it's green hue accentuating the consternation on her face, as General Madine ordered the squad to depart.

"You're better off here. At least until we know what we're up against." Han tried to sound like he was talking sense but knew she hated risking lives on a bad plan that she wouldn't undertake herself; knew she would risk her own life first. "We can't do much for the moment. Why don't you get some rest. I'll go and make sure Chewie has prepped the Falcon in case we're needed."

"General Solo is right, Senator. You haven't had much rest. We will inform you as soon as is necessary," Blake confirmed. Leia looked at them both blankly, and then, what they had said filtered through the thoughts of battle. She turned to Madine.

"Call me when they reach the pass." She turned on her heel and left the Command Centre. Madine looked at Han.

"She'd fight every battle herself if she could," he noted. "Been the same since she was little," he informed him. Madine and Mon Mothma had been close allies with the Organas for many years and Han knew Madine was very protective of Leia.

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