Chapter 47

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Han checked the directional readings from the Falcon's computer at the technical station. Leaving Chewbacca on Takodana with Maz to take care of personal business of his own, and dropping Lando back home, he'd dropped back down to the Trade Spine en route to Corellia; the Falcon's hyperdrive computer temporarily taking over as pilot. He came to join Leia on the lounge seat, lifting her legs that were outstretched and placing them back down on his thighs when he sat down.

Her favoured white dress and boots reminded him of their first meeting. He could never have imagined that the feisty young princess would eventually become his wife. He never imagined himself married at all but here he was and he was the happiest he had ever been.

The material of her dress clung to her legs, showing off their attractive shape and he rubbed her thigh affectionately with his hand.

"We're on the Corellian Trade Spine. We can leave the Falcon to it for a bit."

"That's good," she replied, leaning her head on the bench back and twisting the end of one of her double braids round her finger, idly. She'd intended to coil them up at the back of her head but hadn't got around to it. She didn't want to rush anything today.

Han was enjoying her state of repose, the nonchalant and distracting way she played with her hair, the touch of her warm hand as she placed it over his on her legs. Her data pad, which was resting on the Dejarik table, bleeped and her eyes flicked to it briefly then away again.

"I expect you've flown this route many times before," she said, inviting his sharing of past experiences.

"Sure. Lando and I used to run..." He thought better of telling her what. "Let's just say, sensitive cargo up and down here a long time ago." Leia rolled her eyes. "It's a good run," he confirmed, suddenly remembering old haunts. "Hey. It's about the right time for the eclipse on Duro. We could stop by there if you want. They have these little private barges that go out on the water that you can watch it from." Leia's data pad bleeped again.

"Private?" she questioned, ignoring it. He grinned.

"Very private." He winked at her. Imagining it made her smile; floating gently in their own secluded barge, the strange lighting from the eclipse reflecting on the water, the two of them enjoying a moment of private intimacy. Han watched her face closely.

"You like that idea," he decided. "It's settled then. We'll stop there."

Her data pad bleeped for attention again and she tutted, reaching one hand out and touching the screen to see what it wanted. Han frowned.

"Did you have to bring that thing?" he asked rhetorically. She sighed and tilted her head, a resigned and apologetic look telling him she was going to answer the call.

"I have to take this," she said, sitting up and taking up the pad in both hands. It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Mon Mothma. Good morning." Leia greeted the Chancellor's smiling face.

"Good morning, Leia. Congratulations to both of you," Mon Mothma enthused kindly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Leia wanted to say, Of course you're interrupting. This is my honeymoon and you're really dampening the mood. She gave the older woman a polite smile. "What can I do for you, Chancellor?" Han casually leant his elbows on the Dejarik table and covered his mouth with one hand. Leia glanced at him, data pad still in front of her, running her eyes over his face and down to his shirt where his pose was giving her a good view of his chest. Her face remained deadpan as she continued her call with the Chancellor but her tongue ran over her lips and he smiled behind his hand. She quickly looked back at her pad.

"I thought you'd like to know, we have received your instructions for Commander Blake's new appointment, and have established an office for her next to yours as you requested. She arrived this morning and is already planning how to deal with the Cato Neimoidian problem with Ambassador San'teefa." Leia nodded. "It's an interesting appointment, Leia. We will have to monitor it but I think it has great potential."

"Thank you, Chancellor. As do I," Leia replied. Han made a speed it up gesture with his free hand then placed that hand on her thigh under the table. Leia's lips parted slightly and she took a little breath in. He frowned and tipped his head towards the pad. Work wasn't what they were here for. She frowned back as subtly as she could in Mon Mothma's eye line and twitched her head to tell him to stop. She was waiting for a polite point at which to end the call.

"How long do you intend to be away?" Mon Mothma continued. "It's quite important we discuss plans for the Alderaanian citizens that have chosen to remain here since the exposure of the Duke's underhand behaviour." Han could see this conversation going on a while and knew Leia was too polite to end it. He snatched the data pad from her hands and turned it to face him, smiling falsely at Mon Mothma.

"Chancellor. How nice to see you." He got up and began walking towards the crew quarters.

"Captain Solo. Good morning." Mon Mothma was taken aback.

"Han. Where are you going?" Leia called, stunned by what he had just done. Han ignored her.

"I'm sorry, Chancellor," he said into the pad. "Leia's really busy right now. She's taking a well earned break and she'll contact you when she's ready. I wouldn't expect to hear from her for, oh, at least six weeks." He exuded insincerity.

"What do you think you're doing?" Leia walked briskly behind him, annoyance in her voice. As he reached the section of corridor between the galley and the head, he stopped and shook the data pad violently, disrupting the holo-image.

"We seem to have hit an electrical storm. It's hard to hear you, Chancellor," he lied, opening up the hatchway on the wall to the waste disposal unit and throwing the data pad in. His hand hovered over the eject button.

Leia's wide-eyed expression and the tilt of her head warned him not to do it. He hit the button, the sound of the vacuum flush telling her the data pad was now floating in space. She leant on the wall.

"What have you done?" she said wearily. He grabbed her hand and led her back the way they had come. "You know I'm going to have to consider her offer sooner or later, don't you?" she questioned. "She's going to reconsider if I'm not careful." He looked over his shoulder.

"She won't change her mind. You're too experienced. She needs you." He kept walking, heading towards the service bay, pulling her along behind him. Entering the cramped service bay corridor, he turned her round and pressed her against the wall, backing her into the same corner they'd stood in when they'd kissed for the first time. Recognition of the situation dawned on her face and she smiled coyly. "This is where we started isn't it?" he breathed, leaning his head down and kissing her neck. He could feel her heartbeat in her veins against his lips. She turned her face towards him so that their noses almost brushed.

"People can be too much trouble you know," she continued their previous conversation, in a quieter voice. He kissed her again.

"Am I too much trouble?" he teased.

"No," she breathed, their lips tantalisingly close. "You're just the right amount of trouble."

The End

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