Chapter 9

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"The Duke's party have just landed, Chancellor." Mon Mothma's aide, a bald but bearded Chandrilian man of about 40 standard years, interrupted her as she signed yet another document in the large pile of official agreements and decrees that were littering her desk. It was a welcome interruption - breaking up the monotony, although, the arrival of these particular guests had been a last minute and somewhat surprising turn of events.

Duke Delcar Pax Alde was the son of a trusted advisor to Viceroy Bail Organa, Mon Mothma's close friend. His message requesting a meeting with her had been a shock as the whole of the royal House of Alde had been thought killed along with Alderaan on that ill-fated day. Learning that he had survived and had been living, along with a thousand strong Alderaanian citizens, on a little planetary moon on the Outer Rim was, of course, pleasing information, but she couldn't help wondering why this was the first time she was hearing about it and how Leia would react when she was told the news.

It took about half a standard hour for the shuttle carrying the royal party to bring them to her Council chambers, and she used the time to ensure adequate refreshments had been laid on for their arrival.

The door slid open and her aide announced the party.   The Duke moved swiftly and confidently into the room followed by an entourage of five smartly dressed Alderaanians, two in the official uniform of the infamous security force and the rest with the pale blue ocular House of Alde insignia on their navy blue jacket lapels.

He crossed the room to shake her hand. It had been some time since she had seen him, the last time he had been a boy. Often around Aldera Palace, he was a regular visitor of Leia's.. Educated together and enjoying free time, they were often in each other's company with one or two other palace children. Now, stood before her, he was an imposing, handsome man; tall and slim with dark features, dark hair and a neatly groomed tuft of hair under his bottom lip that complemented the moustache above. He had every bit the regal bearing of a Duke.

"Chancellor. Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me." He was formal. Charming.

"Duke Delcar. It is my very great pleasure. It was such good news to hear that Alderaan's fate had not befallen you." She gestured to the sofas and refreshments. "Please sit and have some refreshment. I am eager to hear all your news."

"And I would be happy to tell you." He sat gracefully on a large sofa in the middle of the room, spreading his heavy, lined cape out behind him as he did so. "Although, I must confess that I have an ulterior motive for coming here."

A service droid poured wine for the group and then moved round the room offering plates of finger food. "I had heard that Princess Leia may also have survived and that she might be here on Chandrila," he continued eagerly. "Is this true? Is she alive?"

"It is," Mon Monthma confirmed. She didn't elaborate on what Leia had been doing the last few years. Keeping secrets was second nature to her having spent years as a supporter of the Rebellion within the Senate. Now it was habit to be very economical with information.

The Duke was keen. Excited. He leaned forward.

"I must speak with her," he was insistent.

"Indeed, she is often here," Mon Mothma was guarded. "Not currently though. I will send word to her. I am sure she will be happy to hear you are alive."

"I heard tell that she may have been continuing her father's good work all this time. Now that the Empire has fallen, I had assumed she would take up official government duties again. She was always keen on the idea of a democratic government and, this being the centre of Government, it seemed the best place to try." Mon Mothma smiled.

"It has been suggested to her that she rejoin the Senate permanently but, at the moment, she has other responsibilities that occupy her time. It is something you will have to ask her more about."

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