Chapter 17

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The ceremony over, the Alderaanian's had begun celebrating in renowned style – a simple and open-handed affair. They put great store in their agricultural way of life and produce and baked goods had been brought in and arranged on tables around the hall. Plates were generously shared with Luke and Han, and even Chewbacca had been given some particularly tasty meat which he was eating, still sitting safely within easy access of the large doors.

Leia and Pax circulated like two polite hosts. Han felt a pang of jealousy watching them but quashed it with a fond feeling for her. She wanted to share her past life with him and, without Alderaan, this was the closest thing she could get to it. He could now see this side of her instead of just imagining it and considered what a spectacular life it must have been. The fact that she loved him; had chosen him, made his heart swell. With this thought filling his head, Leia turned to look at him and then made her way towards him. Taking his arm she said,

"I'm neglecting you. Come and meet some people." She turned to Luke. "Join the party, Luke. I think the Star will be safe where it is and I have sent for 3PO to come and guard it anyway. I'm sorry I was overly cautious."

"It's no problem. I'll sense if something is wrong." He looked more seriously at her. "Leia, you realise your abilities are what activate that crystal, don't you?" She just smiled patiently at him.

"Go and enjoy the food, Luke." Shut down again, he nodded.

"This food is certainly good." He went to find some more.

Leia introduced Han to a group of security force pilots, a young exuberant bunch who reminded him of an Alliance squadron in their camaraderie. He met several musicians, an ageing professor from the Aldera university and a group of elderly female cloth weavers who clucked over them like they were a newly married couple, making Leia blush. He particularly liked a tall, tanned man of about his own age who Leia explained was a nerf herder from a village not far from Aldera. She was particularly amused when she told him the man's occupation and the joke wasn't lost on him. The man was lively and shook his hand vigorously, chatting to him about the difficulties of getting a good price for his herd and feeding all seven of his children, who were laughing and playing nearby. Han appreciated the financial difficulties and described his often fraught negotiations for cargo contracts. Even though they had different occupations, they had a lot in common. His wife was a homely woman with a weathered but attractive face and Leia spent a long time talking to her.

The youngest of their children, a little girl of about seven standard years, tugged at Leia's dress and she crouched down to give her her full attention. Looking at Han the girl said,

"Is he your husband?"

"No," Leia replied kindly. "He's not my husband."

"Is he your boyfriend then?" The girl began to giggle a little and Leia looked up at Han.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend." The little girl giggled more as did a couple of older girls who were nearby egging her on and they all ran off laughing.


Towards the evening, the party dwindled and the crowd and dignitaries dispersed, leaving a couple of security officers, the Duke, 3PO and the four of them in the hall.

"It's been a lovely day," Pax said to Leia as they all now stood by the pedestal.

"Yes, it has been lovely," she agreed. "You have done a wonderful job looking out for them all."

"I wanted to thank you for doing what you did today." He moved towards her. "I know it has meant a great deal to them."

"Please, don't thank me. I should be thanking you for retrieving the Star and returning it to me," she replied, standing next to the open box and gazing at the orb. The Duke looked thoughtful, his brow furrowing.

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