Chapter 46

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The sound of women's laughter echoed through the corridors from the bedroom suite of Maz's winter castle. It wasn't a sound Han was used to hearing but it wasn't wholly unpleasant. He could easily distinguish Leia's laughter from that of the other women; husky, infectious, rather like she was in on a dirty joke. He didn't hear that much either and it warmed him. Their wedding had been delayed yet another week due to his unfortunate accident and days floating alone in a bacta tank with just his thoughts had made him impatient to get on with it. He couldn't wait any longer to be with her, to spend some totally selfish time together doing whatever they wanted.

He rounded the corner to the chamber and stopped in the doorway. Leia sat on a bench seat wrapped in a robe, surrounded by women; Mala, another humanoid girl Han hadn't seen before, Maz and Eldon Blake. Maz's two serving girls were busy brushing and braiding Leia's hair while she chatted and laughed with them. He didn't know if she'd ever spent much leisure time in the company of other women but she was certainly enjoying the attention she was receiving. Blake spotted him watching and came running over, blocking his view.

"Han. You mustn't be here. It's not lucky to see her before your wedding."

"It's alright, Eldon. I'll see him," Leia's voice spoke up as she approached. Eldon reluctantly withdrew back into the room, disapproval on her face.

They both leant on the wall.

"You look beautiful," Han said, looking lovingly at her glowing face.

"I haven't done anything yet," she laughed, hanging on to a strand of her half done hair.

"I know," he replied.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned gently.

"Just came to see if you needed anything and also that you remembered what time we were meeting." Leia giggled.

"You came to see if I'd changed my mind, didn't you? I'll be there, don't worry." He looked sheepish and she reached up to kiss him, the pleasure of it making it last much longer than initially intended. They were interrupted by rough hands pushing them apart.

"That's enough of that. Go away now. Shoo!" Maz's authoritative voice admonished as she pushed him in the stomach and stood glaring at him with her hands on her hips.

"Ow!" he exclaimed. "That's still tender," he frowned. Turning back to Leia, "See you soon." She laughed.

"See you soon."


The already kind Takodana autumn weather pulled out all the stops, sunshine making the myriad of colours in the lush environment vivid and spectacular as the wedding party rode the short way to the ancient Jedi shrine at the top of the mountain. It wasn't a very high altitude; none of the mountains in Takodana were on the scale of Alderaan's, but it was high enough to give a stunning view as far as the eye could see in every direction. Luke had arrived before the others to prepare. He'd researched the ceremony carefully knowing that, as Han and Leia had no other tradition to follow, this was both appropriate and important to them. Looking at the scenery, it wasn't difficult to understand why the shrine was built here. It was peaceful and meditative, perfect to join the two of them together.

Very soon, the small party arrived, just their closest friends; Chewbacca, Lando, Maz and Eldon, accompanied by 3PO and Artoo. They disembarked from the little shuttle craft, Leia's simple but beautiful white dress blowing in the breeze.

Han had been studying her all the way up the mountain. As usual, she carried simplicity off with grace and beauty; her white dress, lower cut than usual, flattering her figure, and the delicate flow of its material giving the impression of something ethereal. Her hair was intricately braided, Lando's necklace the only dash of colour.

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