Chapter 23

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The dealer called for Leia's initial stake and she reached into her jacket inside pocket, pulling out a small pouch and tipping five thousand credits onto the table in front of her. Han choked on the drink he was sipping.

"I came prepared," she whispered under her breath.

The fresh drinks arrived including the Narcolethe for Leia. The Devaronian waited expectantly. She was going to have to drink it and do it in a way that ended any further challenge from her opponent. Han and Chewbacca watched. She kept eye contact with the Devaronian, picked up the glass and downed the drink in one, putting the glass back down hard on the table.

It tasted like she'd just sucked all the acid out of the Ion Flux batteries, burning like a volcano all the way down her throat to her stomach. She had to use all the control she could muster not to behave in a manner unbecoming of a princess, and unacceptable for a hardened pirate, and spray it back out all over the other players. How did Han drink this stuff? It was revolting. She remained expressionless. Han let out a relieved breath and the Devaronian laughed.

"A worthy opponent," he decided. Chewbacca growled an agreement. Not content with winning at Dejarik, she was going to take everyone on at Sabaac now. Han looked incredulously over his shoulder at Chewbacca and whispered to Leia.

"You're gaining quite a fan there." The corner of her mouth hinted at a smile then it disappeared when he said,

"Shall I get you another one of those." His eyes indicated her empty Narcolethe glass.

"You must be joking," she whispered emphatically. "That stuff will eat you from the inside out."

The dealer passed out the first two cards, everyone put their initial stake in the pot and Leia looked at hers to see what she had, remembering what Chewbacca had told her earlier that evening. A positive Ace of Sabers and a negative Endurance of Staves. She calculated that as positive seven points in her hand with another card to come out. Han put his second stake in the pot, as did the Devaronian and the woman with the metal face piercings. The mousy Androvian folded with a disgruntled snort, packed up his winnings and left the table.

Leia placed another credit in the pot. She may as well see the next card. She watched the cards as they were dealt face up this time. Han got a Balance of Flasks and the Devaronian a Queen of Sabers. Leia's was another Ace, giving her positive twenty two points. Close enough, she thought. The Devaronian's cheek twitched. He thinks he has a good hand, Leia noted.

At that moment, the house randomised the cards, their value and denomination changing as she held them. Now she held two Evil Ones and a Commander of Coins equalling a negative score of eighteen. Still respectable. The older woman threw her cards down in defeat and sat back. Han pushed his cards through the holo-display and called with positive eighteen. The Devaronian showed his negative fourteen and Leia her negative eighteen. Han smiled at her.

The next three rounds went similarly, Leia winning one and Han winning two. The older woman had lost most of her money and Leia calculated she probably had another round in her, then would be out. She had been watching the cards carefully, seeing what came out and calculating what was left. It seemed a fairly logical game save for the randomisation but, if one timed it right and called before the randomisation, a win could be secured, especially if the randomisation occurred after her cards were pushed through the holo-display because it held her score and randomised everyone else's.

Second to last round and the older woman retired from the game. Leia was dealt The Star of Staves, an Endurance and a positive 2 of Sabers, giving her a Pure Sabaac. The Devaronian had been dealt a Demise of negative thirteen points and Han folded. Leia took the lead, quickly pushing her cards through the holo-display and calling the game. The Devaronian grinned as he showed his cards; a pure Sabaac. It was a draw. He nodded with respect at her.

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