Chapter 11

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The enormity of the atrium of the New Republic government building never failed to impress Han. It's high glass ceilings were supported by white, almost skeletal pillars that reminded him of the bones of a gigantic animal, with jutting nodules resembling joints supporting the two upper floors. He used to imagine what sort of creature must have had such bones, and how many of them they had to kill to build Hanna City, as the architecture was of a type throughout it's vast expanse.

At the far end of the atrium, a wide marble double staircase swept majestically down from a jutting balcony section and the many conference rooms, offices and guest suites could be seen on the upper floors, the doorways to which were equally imposing. There must have been hundreds of people from a multitude of worlds milling about, but the shear size of the public space almost made it seem empty.

As the four crossed the atrium towards the staircases, Han caught sight of Mon Mothma standing on the balcony where the two staircases met. Next to her were a group of people dressed in various smartly presented uniforms which Han recognised to be Alderaanian security forces and aides.

One member of the group particularly stood out. With more regal dress, his dark hair well groomed, he was impossibly good looking. Han was certain this was the Duke.

When he saw them approaching, the Duke, his face fixed on Leia, broke into a broad smile.

"House Organa," he called from the balcony in a cheery, and strangely mock formal way, and performed the deepest bow that Han had ever witnessed. Leia looked up at the royal party and took a deep breath only noticeable to Han, attempting to steel herself.

"House Alde," she called back, smiling politely, and mock curtseyed, not as deeply. Partly because of her attire but, knowing her social manoeuvrings as he did, probably because she was the outranking royal and it was accentuating her visual point.

The whole performance seemed to be a game because the Duke came bounding down the staircase to meet Leia and, grinning now, they greeted each other like army comrades might after returning from battle.

Han and Chewbacca exchanged glances and Chewbacca gurgled a satisfied noise that it all seemed to be going well.

Pax Alde stood back and drank in Leia's appearance with a look that reminded Han of Lando Calrissian.

"Here you are at last. My favourite member of House Organa," he flattered.

"The only member of House Organa, Pax, so that's not exactly difficult," Leia replied, looking at him ironically. He continued smiling and weighing her up. He took in her array of weapons.

"Ever the warrior," he laughed.

"Ever the bureaucrat," she retorted, smiling at him. "It's good to see you Pax."

"It's good to see you, Leia. You've..." He paused and looked admiringly at her "grown up since I last saw you." She laughed.

"Life does that to you." She had been a teenager when she last saw him and almost a lifetime seemed to have passed since then.

All his observations seemingly out of the way, he held out his hand for hers in order to kiss it politely. She took it. Then her face changed.

For Leia, the atrium went black, as if a thick shroud had been thrown over the sun, and her head was filled with a deafening noise, the smell of molten rock and... death. A painful burning sensation shot up her arm and she withdrew her hand. As soon as she did, the atrium returned to normal. It had all happened in a split second.

"Is everything alright?" Pax enquired about the swift removal of her hand. Han looked concerned. It had been a marginal change in her expression but he had seen it before, and her face paled a little.

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