Chapter 36

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The huge, arched stone window offered a panoramic view over the spectacular valley below the castle, and acted as a dramatic frame for the two women standing in front of it as Han rounded the corner to the highest chamber of Maz's mountain retreat. He had made his way up from the courtyard before the others so that he could talk to Leia privately. He had to get some things off his chest and wanted to tell her about Chandrila personally.

He paused in the doorway and leant against the wall, watching her as she was concluding a discussion with the much taller figure of Eldon Blake over a datapad. She had abandoned the more utility garb she had favoured in recent months and returned to her traditional, Alderaanian simplicity of a white flowing dress and turquoise cloak, her hair loose but pulled back with a single braid and twisted metal hair piece. He smiled to himself. He had always admired how she made her modest way of dressing more regal and graceful than any of the flashy women they often socialised with on Chandrila.

"Make sure everyone has a copy of this information and let me know when they are all here." She handed Blake the data pad, clasping her hands in front of her and gazing out of the window at the view. Blake spotted Han in the doorway.

"Captain," she acknowledged. He straightened up.

"Blake," he nodded, coming down the steps towards them. Leia turned, her body relaxing and her face brightening.

"I didn't see you there," she said.

"I'll leave you two alone," Blake said and departed through an archway on the other side of the room.

Leia reached out her hand to take Han's as he approached. She wore twisted metal bracelets on each arm that matched her hairpiece. He took her hand.

"Are these new?" he admired them.

"Goodness no. When do I have time for shopping?" she laughed.

"They look nice," he flattered, pulling her closer. She looked a little drawn from her trauma but her eyes held their familiar vibrancy and fire. He took her face in his hands and kissed her so tenderly, she had to hold on tight to him to stop the overwhelming feelings weakening her legs more than they were already.

The touch of her lips encouraged all the emotions he had been trying to control, forcing him to hold her to him as tightly as he could without hurting her. He kissed most of her face, finally resting his cheek on hers.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you." She pulled her head back to look at him, squeezing an arm free and reaching up to place her fingers on his lips.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry I worried you. I never meant for you to witness something like that." She could see the pain in his eyes.

"Why did you do it? Why didn't you let him use that thing on me?" he implored.

"Because it would have killed you. I knew I had a better chance of surviving it. I've had training and I've resisted it once before. I made a strategic decision." Han frowned.

"Strategy?" He exclaimed. Leia smiled sympathetically.

"That and the fact that, if you had died, it would have been more painful to me than anything the interrogator could have done." Her eyes welled up. Han smiled thinly and pulled her into a hug again. He understood how that felt.

"Don't ever do that again," he said with quiet conviction. "You need to stop taking all the responsibility for people on yourself."

"I can't help that," she said into his chest. "You need to understand that, sometimes, it's my turn to save you." She looked up into his face, smiling weakly. He breathed out heavily and mirrored it.

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