Chapter 39

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Han had returned to check on Leia late in the evening, after their guests had all been settled into suites for the night. He'd intended to leave her sleeping and find a room down the corridor but, as he bent to check her condition in the dull light, she had reached for his hand and asked him to stay, turning her body in to cuddle his when he got into bed. He felt her forehead with his hand while she dozed, satisfied that her fever had gone.

He watched her sleep in the flickering firelight, his mind still busy. He wasn't looking forward to the battle in the morning but, at the same time, understood the necessity of it. Under direction from Eldon Blake, the peacekeepers had already headed out, positioning themselves throughout the jungle to monitor the movements of the enemy, ready to alert them should things escalate earlier than expected. He had felt confident in getting a few hours sleep, a few hours of comfort in each other's arms, before the chaos began again tomorrow.

His dreams were now being interrupted by a sound that was guaranteed to put his nerves and his temper on edge.

"Captain Solo. Captain Solo. Wake up." 3PO spoke loudly from the doorway. "Captain Solo!"

"What do you want?" Han asked crossly, opening his eyes and squinting at the droid.

"The princess requests your presence in her command centre," 3PO formally announced, ignoring Han's impatient manner. It sounded to Han more like something 3PO would say rather than Leia. Command Centre?

"Did she actually say that, 3PO?" he asked wearily as he sat up.

"Well, no. Actually Captain, she said Ask Captain Solo if he's going to lay around in bed all day." 3PO seemed almost pleased to have told Han this, grabbing the chance to pass on the princess' slight at Han's tardiness. Yes, that sounded more like Leia. Han looked out towards the balcony. It was barely dawn and she was impatient already.

"I assume she's feeling better then," he asked the droid.

"The princess seems to be on fine form this morning," 3PO was pleased to announce. Han breathed deeply. Perhaps he needed some of that medicine to prepare himself.

"Tell her, I'm coming." He waved 3PO away and got up.


He could hear Leia's voice barking orders as he came up the corridor towards their make shift command centre, which was buzzing with activity. Two security force officers were leaving as he got there.

"And swap those uniforms, Lieutenant," Leia called after them. "We need to be able to tell you from the enemy." She pointed with an outstretched arm at their peacekeeper uniforms to emphasise her instruction. Han watched them leave as he passed, turning back to face Leia. She was, as 3PO had described, on fine form; lively, her face the picture of health and military precision applied to her appearance. She smiled broadly at him when she saw him. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to join us." He spread his arms.

"It's not even light yet." He took her hand and kissed her cheek in greeting. "I assume my medicine worked then. You look better."

"I feel amazing!" she enthused. "Thank you. I have no idea what was in it but we definitely need to add that to the med-kit."

"Actually, that was one of Maz's hang-over cures. She's used it on me many times," Han elaborated. Leia raised her eyebrows, amused.

"A hang-over cure? Well. I must thank her later." Three more squad members squeezed past Han, nodding an acknowledgement as they exited the office. He stepped aside to let them through as Luke and Lando arrived in the command centre together. The holo-map was alive with activity. Lights blinking in different colours as ships came and went and personnel positioned themselves in the jungle below. Leia kept one eye on the activity.

"Madine, Kobar and I are ready to leave," Luke informed her. "The transports are waiting in the next valley."

"Admiral Ackbar, Leia," Blake announced as a holo-vid call came in. Leia held a finger up to Luke and Lando.

"Good morning, Admiral," Leia answered the call. The Admiral's large Mon Calamarian head filled the holo-vid screen.

"The Home One is now in orbit and fighters are ready. We are tracking the star destroyer. It came out of hyperspace some way back and is taking it's time. I don't think they anticipate any trouble. They'll have a big surprise when they get here and find us." He sounded almost like he was relishing the thought of a fight.

"Good Admiral. I suggest you send us one squadron and keep the others to protect yourselves for the time being. We'll call for reinforcements if we need them."

"Agreed," the admiral signed off. Leia turned back to Luke and Lando.

"The Vohemar has agreed to give me a lift up there," Lando informed her. "I'll go down with Luke to meet them."

"Good," she answered. Ambassador San'teefa appeared in the doorway. "Ambassador. I hope you won't mind observing here while Commander Blake and C-3PO run things." He bowed in agreement. "Right, gentlemen," she said, spreading her arms out. "Let's go." She marched off through the next room.

Han shook his head to clear it. It was all moving too fast for him.

"I'm not even sure the Falcon's ready yet," he complained after her.

"Chewie got the Falcon ready an hour ago," she berated over her shoulder. "He wasn't sleeping on the job." She breezed determinedly past everyone like a miniature tornado and disappeared round the corner and out of sight.

Lando exploded with loud, rich laughter.

"That's one hell of a woman," he guffawed appreciatively to Han as they headed in the direction she had disappeared. "You've definitely met your match, you old pirate." Han smiled to himself. Their life together certainly wasn't going to be boring.

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