Chapter 28

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Weaving between buildings, squeezing through cluttered back alleys, they ducked into an arched entranceway out of sight.

"We're not finished with this conversation," Han stated. He was breathing hard, looking occasionally out into the alley to check the coast was clear. Looking back at Leia, he wiped dirt from her cheek with his thumb. He was trying to convince himself that there would be time later, that they wouldn't both die here and, when they got back, the Senate, the Alliance could all hang while they put themselves first for once.

"I love you," he said with all the feeling he could put into it, smiling thinly. Al-Adreen wasn't where he wanted to end his days, but if this was to be the last time he told her, he wanted her to know he meant it. He expected her to come back with their usual flippant banter of I know but she just put her hand on his cheek.

"I love you too." They briefly shared a look that meant they both wished to have longer, somewhere else. "We'd better move." Leia brought them back to the job.

They crept slowly up the alley towards the light of the last obstacle that was the street ahead. Han pressed himself against the wall, holding his arm out behind him to move the others back so they wouldn't be seen. He peered out into the street quickly, counting unfriendlies, holding up a handful of fingers and pointing in one direction and a couple more for the other direction.

Leia nodded her comprehension. A sickening feeling suddenly washed over her. She knew what was coming and it accompanied her sharp intake of breath. The blackness.  The smell.  But this time another figure was standing with her. She blinked through the smoke to make out the face but it was unclear. Then it was gone again, like the annoying flickering of a faulty holo-display. Han had looked back, hearing gunfire behind them, and seen her steady herself on the wall, her face paling.

"Chewie, stay alert," he instructed, grabbing Leia's shoulders and peering into her face. By the time he did, she was back with him. "Now? Really?" he asked her.

"I can't stop it," she exclaimed. Shouting started behind them in the alley and Chewbacca began firing to protect their backs. They had been discovered. Han looked back towards the street where the troopers had been alerted to their position by the sound of gunfire. They had seconds at most.

Thoughts flashed through Leia's mind. The visions were a warning, the fake document likely a trap, the two most probably linked. A feeling of inevitability came over her.

"We can't get out of this together. You have to leave me here," she told Han. He looked at her like she had lost her mind.

"No. If anyone is going to do something like that, it's me," he countered.

"I got us into this," she replied. "I have a feeling they are looking for me anyway. Leave me and go for help."

"There's no way that's happening!" he insisted. "You're stuck with me, Sweetheart." He fired towards the now approaching troopers. Leia shook her head at him. Chewbacca growled an alarm that the assailants behind were closing in.

"Chewie, we need to make a run for it. If we don't make it, leave us here and go get help. Bring the Falcon." Han instructed his friend. Chewbacca growled his loud dissatisfaction with this plan, vocalising that if anyone went for help, it should be Leia. She put a calming hand on his arm.

"The chances are I wouldn't make it, Chewie. These visions are crippling me. It has to be you. Find Luke." Chewbacca sounded mournful.

"We go on three," Han ordered. "1... 2... 3..." They all burst into the street, Leia firing one way and Han firing the other, Chewbacca coming out backwards behind them covering them from behind. They could see the speeder but they could also see more reinforcements rounding the corner.

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