Chapter 7

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The humidity of the late afternoon had caused a rainstorm which had done little to dissipate the tropical heat as the X-Wings came back to land in the hanger. The Falcon took up it's usual place on the outside landing platform and Chewbacca and Han made a run for the cover of the base hanger just as the fighters were powering down.

Leia removed her helmet, smoothed her hair back into place and sat with her head resting on the back of the seat for a moment, closing her eyes. The Imperial outpost had been destroyed making it unusable, which was very satisfying, but they had still sustained losses and not been able to prevent the removal of the children from the planet. Worry for the reason behind the kidnappings deepened the furrow in her brow. Han banged on the hull of the X-Wing to gain her attention and motioned for her to open the cockpit. She hit the switch.

"You alright?" he frowned. She put on a slightly forced smile and unbuckled herself, beginning to climb down the side ladder.

"Fine," she assured him, taking his offered hand and jumping the last couple of feet to the floor, wrapping her arms round his middle in a reassuring hug.

"Nice flying, by the way." He kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks." Luke approached and Leia ran to wrap her arms round his neck and hug him too. He smiled and shook Han's hand.

"Thanks for your help. Thanks Chewie." Chewbacca gurgled an acknowledgement.

"You got it," Han grinned. Luke turned to Leia as they made their way to debrief General Madine.

"That tracking beacon should record some information in a day or two. Then we'll be able to see where they end up."

General Madine and General Kobar were in deep discussion, pouring over something as they approached.

"Well done, all of you!" Madine exclaimed when he saw them.

"I'm afraid we were unable to rescue the prisoners, General." Leia was apologetic, although she was more disappointed in herself.

"We did the best we could in the circumstances. We will just have to wait for more intelligence to come in from the tracking device Luke attached to their vessel."

Leia turned her attention to General Kobar who was clutching something tightly in all of his four hands as if he was guarding it with his life.

"General Kobar, is something the matter?" she asked. Han noticed the regal manner with which she spoke to him. It was a voice that meant she wanted to be given the information she requested now, without delay, and it usually got a result. The general looked at the object in his hands and then at General Madine.

"This is the document that the squad on Rattatak have just returned to us. I think you need to see it." General Madine looked at General Kobar expectantly.

"We don't need to bother the Princess with this," General Kobar flustered. "We have intelligence officers here who are very capable."

"The Princess is the best code breaker we have. She knows more Rebel code keys than any of us here. Besides which, she is the only one who has the historical knowledge to read and translate Bothan ancient text. Let her see it." General Madine waited for General Kobar's compliance.

Leia was intrigued now. Her withering look still in place, she raised an eyebrow expectantly and held out her hand to General Kobar. He grumbled and reluctantly passed over a hide covered book containing very old text on aged paper.

Leia hadn't seen anything like it in years and then only in the archive at Coruscant where she had spent many of her younger years studying such documents. She held it like it was a fragile and precious thing, opening it and marvelling at the intricate scribblings inside. It was beautiful.

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