street light; 1

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Delany's POV

"Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you tomorrow. Peace!" I said before turning off the small 67x I had in my hands. The streetlight flickered above me and I waited for my ride. It was nearly 9:30 pm and I still had a video to edit.

I continued to wait and another 30 minutes rolled by. It was starting to become chilly but I had no jacket. I started walking home when a beautiful 2012 white GTR pulled up next to me.

"Hey are you okay?" A young man called to me. I walked closer to the window and smiled.

"Yes. Just walking home. I was filming a video at tempest." I replied.

"Ah are you a youtuber?" He asked me.

"Yes I am. I'm Delany Mason."

"Tanner Fox. Jump in. I'll take you home." I didn't even think twice about getting into this strangers car. He seemed nice enough.

"I'm a YouTuber as well. How old are you?"

"That's really cool. Im 16. You?"

"I'm 16 too. How many subscribers do you have?"


"1.5 million"

"Sheesh you lucky duck. Take a right here." We continued on our way until we reached my house he pulled into my driveway and I jumped out of the amazing car. "Thank you so much. Love your car, by the way."

"My pleasure, Delany. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Tanner." And that was that. I walked into my living room to see my father a drunken mess and passed out on the couch. I walked into my younger brothers room to see him playing video games. "Hey Cash."

"Hey Lany. How was tempest?" He asked me.

"Great. You should really come with me sometime." He just nodded as I left the room. Me and my brother had always been close. Especially after my mom died. I started my YouTube channel and he started twitch. My channel took off but he stayed a little lower.

Our father would then never come home. I became more of a guardian for cash. And we preferred it that way. I graduated high school early so I could focus mainly on my channel. Cash stayed in school. I kept my personal life a secret. My father was hardest on me. I had to protect Cash in some way. So I am my dads punching bag.

I leave cash alone and head up to edit the video I had filmed earlier that night when the name of the young man rang through my ears. Tanner Fox. Again and again. Tanner Fox.

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