impossible; 10

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Delany's POV

"Wow." Tanner said, staring straight ahead. I 0smiled and looked down at the holes in my black skinny jeans. I had never felt as powerful as I did right then.

"I know" I replied, moving a piece of loose hair behind my ear. "I still can't believe I did that. It just doesn't seem real."

"I'm proud of you. And besides, you are really hot when your pissed off." He chuckled. We pulled into the chick-fa-la drive threw and ordered our food. We pulled over and I pulled out my sandwich.

I was so happy at that moment in time. I was smiling more than I ever had before. I took out my phone and opened snapchat. I opened the dog filter and put the camera out in front of me. "Tanner. Look!" I said, nudging tanner in the arm. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and I took the photo. I smiled even harder when I looked at the outcome.

"Are you blushing?" Tanner intimidated. I dropped my phone and covered my face.

"No!" I chuckled nervously.

"I think you are!" Tanner said scooting him hand onto my knee. I removed my hands and playfully punched tanner in the arm. My phone buzzed. I looked down to my phone and saw my brothers name plastered on the front.

What the hell?! Are you guys dating?! Why don't I k ow about this!? I thought we were together on this...

And just like that my perfect moment was gone. My smile faded and then tanners followed. "What?" He asked. A tear dropped down my cheek and I handed the phone to Tanner. "Oh.." he said when he saw the message.

"He is all I have left, tanner." I cried. Tanner jumped out of the car and ran around to my side of the car. He got down on his knees and hugged me.

"He isn't all you have." He said. I pulled away and gave him a look of confusion. "You have me now, Delany. And I will never EVER leave you." I sniffled and brought him in for another hug. "And that's a promise. I love you Delany."

"I love you more." I managed to say.


[AWEEEE THE END IS SO CUTE. No this does not mean that they are dating. Right now they are just best friends. Also oh my god! WE GOT 1K VIEWS!!! How in the world does that work?! Thank you guys so much and keep it up. Now answer me this:

If tanner and Delany were to date, what would be their ship name.

That question doesn't mean anything. I just wanted to ask you guys a question.]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now