imma get you; 17

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Tanner's POV

Things have been great between me and Delany. We are constantly together. She stays over most nights. Cash stays with their grandparents.

Delany has acquired a new hobby, however.  Photography. And damn is she good at it. She brings out her camera and spots a beautiful butterfly. She smiles and takes a few steps toward it. I smile, watching my girlfriend being so happy.

"Stay..." she continued walking slowly toward the butterfly. Then the butterfly took off. "No! Nope you get back here!" She said. I laughed as she started chasing the butterfly in circles.

"I'm gonna get you... imma get you!" She said, now jumping for the butterfly. But what happened next was hilarious. The butterfly came and landed right on my head. And he stayed there.

"DONT MOVE!" She said, pointing her finger at my hair. She snapped the picture and walked over to show me. The picture turned out amazing and we went to leave. The butterfly, however, was still sat on my head.

We walked and walked. Talked and talked. The butterfly didn't move. I laughed every time she looked at me. Delany would give me a seriously look and try to move the butterfly. But it would not move.

"Imma get you..." I mocked her. She laughed and slugged my shoulder.

"I think it's dead..." she laughed as we stopped at the GTR.

"Yea probably." I laughed back and kissed her. What a day. I took the butterfly off my head, on my finger. It moved. It was alive. "I shall name you Guy. Hello Guy." I said. And then he flew away.

[sorry for the lack of updates! I have been so busy and have had no time to write. This was a very fun chapter to write! Hope you liked it!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now