in which they get sick; 18

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Delany's POV

Tanner and I had caught a cold at the beginning of the week. We have still been filming and it has worn us both out to a max.

"I think we should take the day off." Tanner said, taking his spot next to me. I smiled and nodded. My back was sore and my eyes droopy. "My mom is going to bring us chick-fa-la and then we can watch some movies."

"Seems good to me." I smiled. I held out my hand and he grasped it, wrapping his fingers between mine. I couldn't really help but smile.

I leaned me head on his shoulder and sniffed. He continued looking for the next movie for us to watch. He and I had already watched all of the Harry Potter and Hunger Games movies. What was there left to watch.

We decided on a original Disney movie and snuggled down. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me tight. I smiled and I felt a smile grow on his face.

I really was starting to understand my love for this man. He is my everything. My pride and joy. My hero. He is my world. I would be dead without him.

"I love you so fucking much Delany Mason" he whispered.

"I love you so fucking much more, Tanner Fox" I whispered back.

His grip tightened around me and he let out a sigh. "That is highly impossible"

[Thanks for being patient with me guys. 3 fillers, I know. But know things start to get real. I am going to make you all hate me, but it's worth it. Stay tuned!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now