vacation; 23

492 15 3

Third person POV.

            It had been quite a while since the big crash, and both Tanner and Delany were almost fully healed. Today was a special day, in fact. Today marked their 1 year anniversary.

        1 year since all the Drama with her father ended. 1 year since Lany was in a coma. 1 year since tanner opened up to here. And it was a very happy year, indeed.

        Delany never really thought she would end up here. In love at 16. Living with him at 16. Finding her soulmate at 16. But she was here. And it was only the beginning. She knew that she was in love. She was worried that he wasn't.

        They left on a trip to Hawaii for their anniversary. 6:50 am, time to catch a plane. "Come on, Tanner! We have to go." Delany said hopping excitedly out of the house, her arms full of luggage. Tanner followed a few seconds later, grinning at his beautiful girlfriend.

   "Lany calm down. Our flight doesn't leave for another 3 hours." Tanner brought up.

      "Well we have to drive there, and get checked it and go through security."

       "Delany we are 15 minutes away from the least busy airport in the state of California."Tanner chuckled.

     "Okay fine, I'm just excited." She said, pulling out her vlog camera. "Good morning guys! It is quite early, 6:30 to be precise, and tanner and I," She turns the camera towards me, putting all of the luggage in the back. " Are off to the airport."

    They arrived to their gate with just 30 minutes to spare. They sat down, relaxing their tired legs. "You weren't kidding, this airport couldn't be any less-" Delany started, but was cut off by two cute kids.

   "DELANY! TANNER!" They said, running up to them. "We watch both of your videos every day! We are huge fans."

"Hey there! What are your guys' names?" Delany said, going onto her knees to be on their level.

"I'm Carter and that is Annie" The young boy said. They continued to talk to the young kids before the plane boarded. Then the couple was off to Hawaii.

[Next chapter, I introduce the antagonist. Or one of many that is. And for those of you who are worried, I don't plan on this book ending anytime soon, and I am planning on a second book so no worries! Thanks for 23k Reads!]

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