meltdown; 13

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Tanner's POV

I slammed the door of the GT-R and ran inside. I couldn't help but think this was my fault. It WAS my fault. I ran to the front desk and asked the lady for help. "Excuse me. I'm here to see Delany Mason"

"Sir unless you are family, you cannot go in." The woman at the front desk told me. I slammed my hands against the counter, turned towards the door and put my hands on my head, then turned back to the woman.

"Please this is so important!" I said.

"Are you family?"

"I'm her boyfriend. Please please please let me in." I lied. She nodded and let me go in. I ran to her room and slowly opened the door. I lost all of my breath and tears started to approach my eyes and I took a few steady steps toward the girl in front of me. She had a few cuts and scrapes on her and her body was bruised all over. There was a oxygen mask attacked to her face.

The heart monitor slowly beeped. I came to the side of the hospital bed and dropped to my knees. A single tear dropped down my face and I took a grip onto her hand.

"I'm so sorry Delany. I-I can't believe that this happened to you. It's all my fault. And I can't live with myself knowing that I hurt you. It's impossible for me to describe how I feel around you. You give me this sweet nervous feeling. I can't get you out of my head. Ever. And I. I don't know. I love you Delany..." I said dropping my head once again.

Within a split second, I felt her hand twitch and I raised my head. My eyes met the amazing blue ones of Delany Mason.

"I love you too..." she whispered. And then I kissed her.

[i am legit fangirling over my own story. Danner is a thinggggg! Kinda. I hope]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now