wake-up call; 20

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Third Person POV

Tanner was the first to wake up. He looked around, still in shock from the previous events. He pulled himself through the shattered glass, falling into the ground. "ARGH" he called, his leg pulsing in pain. The bone had definitely broke. He sat there for a minute, pulling his thoughts to what had just happened. Then he remembered.

"Delany!" He yelled. He managed to pull himself off the ground and up the the back door. Surprisingly, the door, opened. But there lay Maverick. "Mav..." he said. Danny was still limp in the drivers seat. He panicked and looked around.

On the hill, there lay his beautiful girlfriend. He hadn't noticed the broken window. She must have flew out. He hopped his way over to his unconscious girlfriend. "Lany. Lany wake up." A single tear dropped down his cheek.

Then followed a overload of tears. He felt weak. His sleeping girlfriend in his arms. There was a gash across her cheek. He held her close. His leg burned, but nothing in comparison to pain he felt for bringing her along. Then he did the only thing he could do.

"HELP! PLEASE!" He say screaming until a man came rushing towards him. He felt dizzy, and light headed. But he wouldn't leave her. He held her in his arms, as the mystery man attempted to take her. He did. Tanner tried to get her back, but his leg made him unable to get to her.

He heard the sirens in the background. Everything around him felt unreal. He felt pleasant. He didn't feel pain or pressure. He felt... well in some instances, he felt dead.

[ this chapter is a bit of a blur. But they did almost just die...]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now