things never last; 11

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Tanner's POV

We walked into the front door of my house when Delany was finishing up her vlog. I smiled as I brought the camera up to my face. "Alright guys that is basically it for this vlog! If you enjoyed make sure to smash that like button and subscribe. Also check out Lany's channel. But yea. Peace!" I made the outro for my video. I pulled up the comments from last night video.

I was reading through multiple comments and answering some of them. Tanner probably abuses her. Look at the bruises on her arm.

Does he hit her?

Why does she even stick around.

These comments started making me angry. I felt bad for the girl next to me. She leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder. I started rapidly writing a response to the comments.

No I do not abuse her. Her father does. She goes through hell and you guys think that it's okay to right things like this. Wow foxfam. You have let me down.

I posted the message and I hear a ding come from Delany's phone. She opened the notification and there sat my message.

"Tanner." She said. Panic building up in her voice. "Tanner what did you do?!" Now she was in a full blown panic attack.

"They are never going to forget about this. Oh my god. They are going to search for me and my brother! Why would you do this?!" She screamed.

"I-I didn't think. I'm so sorry." I said.

"Sorry?! Think tanner! You just exposed me and my family! I have been working so hard to keep this a secret!" She exploded.

"Well I'm sorry! I was just trying to help you!"I shot back.

"Tanner you were defending yourself. Not me!"

"What the hell was I supposed to do? Just let people think I abuse you?!"

"We don't even date tanner! You need to stay out of it!" This crushed my heart. All of my prayers of her liking me were lost then and there.

"Get out..." I mumbled.

"W-what" she stuttered.

"GET OUT!" I yelled. And than she ran. She ran away from my front door. My yard. And that was it.

[im sorry! I had to spark some drama. It just wouldn't work without some. And a special thanks to @tannersquared for caring so much about this story! You are the best hun!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now