cash gets confused; 4

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Delany's POV

I woke up to a whole new room. I wasn't leaning up against the broken mirror. My door wasn't broken. Hell, I wasn't in my room at all. This wasn't even my house.

I got startled and started breathing heavily. I wanted to know where I was. It wasn't dark anymore. It was about mid day. I was getting up when my leg started to burn. I had forgotten of the beating I had just received from my father. I looked down to the cut, but it was wrapped nicely in a splint.

"Woah! Sit down." I hear a mans voice from behind. I knew that voice. I turned around and there stood my brother.

"Cash... I am so sorry. Did he hurt you?" I asked as he walked closer.

"No, but he hurt you. And you need to rest." He replied sitting me back down on the couch.

"Where are we?" I asked, my eyes touring the room.

"At a guy you mets house. He seems nice enough. And he owns your favorite car." I instantly knew where we were when he mentioned the excellent GTR.

"Wait we are at tanners?" I asked. But why? How did he find me?

"Yes you are at tanners." Tanner said, entering he room.

"Taner..." I said walking up and hugging him. I didn't let go. I didn't want to let go. To my surprise, he hugged me back. He hugged me and hugged my and he tightened his grip tighter and tighter. And we just stood there swaying back and forth.

"Ow... little tight..." I mentioned to squeak out of the tight grasp tanner had on my rib cage.

"Oh. Sorry" he said, pulling away, removing his cap and swishing his hair back and afterwards replacing the cap. "I've been uploading for you. Your brother gave me your passcode. Who knew a 12 year old could be such a help."

"Yea he is a good kid. Wait how long was I out?" I asked my smile fading to a slight frown of concern.

Tanner rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "2 days..."

"Cash why wouldn't you wake me?" I said turning towards my brother.

He threw his hands up in defense. "I tried. And so did he. How did he find you anyway?" We all turn toward tanner and he gave us a look and sighed.

[this book is doing absolutely amazing! thank you guys so much!]

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