afterwards; 22

514 19 15

Tanners POV

Lany and I both had a long recovery. She spent weeks in the hospital, and I had my ankle to worry about. However, today was the day she was coming home.

"Baby steps, baby girl. Baby steps." I whispered in her ear, with my arms wrapped around her waist. I felt her smile against my cheek. It was nice to have her back.

I took her into the house, and into my room and laid her of the bed. She moved her petite 5'3" body over, leaving room for me. I sat my own body next to hers, expecting to take a nap. But that was the opposite of what actually happened.

She must have had some crazy will power, because the next thing I knew she was straddling my waist. "Oh?" I chuckled. I cupped her gorgeous face in my hands.

"Shut up." She whispered, before our lips crashed together, releasing the tension in the room.

Her lips were ever so smooth against mine. We caught a rhythm and our kiss deepened. She clawed at my shirt, moaning ever so slightly. I gripped her waist for the 47th time today.

I broke the kiss ever so suddenly, my hands moving lower. "I love you, you know that right?"

She giggled. "I love you more."

"I'm positive that this is a impossible fact."

"You wish, my love." She said before reattaching our lips. I missed this girl like crazy. We have been to hell and back together, and she is still here.

I never really noticed until know, but this women was the girl of my dreams. I never thought that I could fall so hard for someone.

But I knew one thing for sure.

I fell super hard for her.

[22k reads! WOW! Sorry for such slow updates!{

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now