realization; 12

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Tanners POV

Its been a few days since my fight with Lany. It had been hard without her the past few day. She gives me this feeling of excitement and honestly, I miss her so much.

I have tried texting her, but she won't answer. I have tried calling her but she won't answer. I finally made up enough courage to go and see her. I got in the GT-R and made my way to her house.

When I arrived at the house, her dads truck was not home so I assumed she was. I went and knocked on the front door. Cash opened it with a smile. "Oh hey tanner. Are you here to see Lany?" He asked.

"I am. Sorry to bug you but may I talk to her?" I asked, my knees getting all wobbly.

"You didn't hear?" He asked me.

"Hear? What do you mean hear? Hear what?!" I panicked. I was terrified and I think Cash noticed. He had a look of sorrow on his face. It looked at he hadn't slept in days.

"Lany was hit by a car running home one night. She has been in a coma for the past 2 days." Cash explained. My heart sped up. My throats went dry. I couldn't breathe.

I didn't even say goodbye. I just ran to my car. This was my fault. If I wouldn't have posted that message, nothing would of happened. I wouldn't have yelled at her.

I forgot about that. I stopped at a red light and thought. She would never want to see me again. I was a fool. I put her in danger. Luckily the message I put out was deleted only seconds after so I hope nobody saw it. But everyone thinks I'm a monster. They think I abuse my best friend. My crush.

But most importantly... she thinks I'm a monster.

[2 chapters ago we had 1K views. Now we have over 2k!!! I was waiting for it to say 1.1k for forever but today I got this nice surprise! Thank you all and enjoy the chapter!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now