cops; 19

817 28 6

Delany's POV

We had just gotten into the GTR. We were heading to tempest with Corey and Capron funk. We went there at least once a week. They always wanted us to go. We enjoyed being with them, to be quite honest with you.

Me and tanner also went for these random ass rides after. We would just take the GTR and go. But one day, my world went to hell. We were driving with Mav and Danny. We were gonna go canyon running. We got on the freeway to head toward our favorite canyon.

On the freeway, 3 cops speed down. I start getting nervous. "What the hell..." tanner says. 3 more cops pass and I panic. What was going on. Traffic gets noticeably worse.

We take another half an hour before the lights of the cars come into view. I see a truck. We continue down the road a bit. My heart stops. My stomach twists. That was my dads truck. We pulled closer. There stood my dad... in handcuffs


We entered the canyon. My dad was finally being put to justice. Cash had called me, telling me the the police had stopped by. We both knew that this was what needed to happen.

We continued down the road. The sun had set, and we were enjoying our ride. Tanner was sat in front of me, with his legs on the dash. He passed his hand back to me. I grabbed it, willingly.

Just then I felt the car slide. A sound of shattering glass hissed around me. I saw a yellow sign. I screamed, and gripped tanners hand. The world slowed down. I remember every moment of it. Then the world went black.

[17k views!?!? What!? That's insane. Thank you guys so much! Let's get 20k!]

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