lany meets the funk bros; 7

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Delany's POV

We pulled up to in n' out when I saw the other tanner. I jumped out of the GTR and hugged him.

"Hey Lany." Tanner B. said to me, releasing our hug.

"Tanner!" I replied. I stepped back towards my tanner when two young men appeared from around the corner. One was taller then the other and had dark brown hair. The other was shorter and had dirty blonde hair. About my color.

"Hi you must be Delany!" The brunette said. "I'm Capron Funk."

"Hi Capron!" I smiled, shaking his hand. The blonde was much more open and hugged me.

"Tanner never shuts up about you. I'm Corey Funk." The blonde said.

"Which one?" I laughed.

"That's a tough question. They both seem very fond of you." Corey chuckled.

"She is mine. You can't have her tanner." My tanner said.

"You two aren't dating." Other tanner mentioned.

"This is true." I said turning towards my tanner. He just smiled and mouthed I know I'm just joking with you. I turned and faced back toward my new friends and smiled. "So I am incredibly excited to see this Flip n' Out I've been told so much about."

"Yea me too!" Tanner B said.

We all head inside and take our places in line. When we reach the front of the counter, Corey makes his way to the front. "Excuse me. Can I get a Flip n Out?" He asked.

"A what, sir?" The lady replied.

"A flip n out? It's on the secret menu."

"I cannot find that. Sorry."

"Here let me show you." And just like that, Corey was on the counter. And that's when my anxiety exploded.

[Guys this book already has almost 300 views. Omg! Thank you all!]

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