going home; 14

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Delany's POV

I posted a video explaining that the comment tanner posted was a joke and that I bruised my arm from a flip at tempest. It was so nice waking up with my best friend next to me. I was so tired and I was overly sore.

They released me 4 days later when I was somewhat healed. Tanner wheeled my out of the hospital in a borrowed wheelchair. We loaded into the GT-R which had been there for a few days, for tanner hadn't left my side.

We got food and we went back to his house. We pulled into the driveway. I opened the door and he met me at my door. "You think your walking?" He said.

"Yup..." I said, confidently standing up.

"No no no!" He chucked, placing one arm under my knees. The other under my arms, picking me up  bridal style.

"You are a dork!" I laughed.

"This is true. But I am YOUR dork!" He spat back. We both just laughed and he took me into the house. He placed me softly down on his bed and then sat next to me, placing my legs over his.

And then he just sat there. He didn't record. He didn't go into his phone. He just stared at me. "What?" I asked.

"What does this make us?" He ignored my question.

"What do you mean."

"Well I kissed you. What does that make us."

"I don't know. But I don't want to rush into things. We met literally a month and a half ago. And besides. I have never had a boyfriend." I explained.

"This is true. And I've never had a girlfriend. So maybe we keep being best friends until we know each other more?" He suggested.

"If you are okay with that, yes that would be preferred."

He smiled and pulled out his camera, continuing his vlog for the day. He shown the camera towards me and said "there is Lany. Hi Lany."

"Wassup"! I said, holding up a piece sign.

[how many of you guys think that Tanner actually is okay with that. Or does he want Lany to be something more? Any ideas?!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now