in which tanner tells the truth; 15

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Delany's POV

I was chilling on tanners bed as he walked in with with chick-fa-la breakfast. "You are a life saver!" I said, taking my food. He laughed and nodded. He placed himself next to me and pulled out his own food.

"Delany listen. I've been meaning to talk to you." He said, looking me deeply in the eyes.

"Anything." I smiled back.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you.." he started, but I cut him off.

"Tanner we talked about this. I'm just not ready to be in a relationship with anyone yet. I'm sorry I just can't." I replied.

"Please just give me a chance!" He begged.

"Fine. Impress me."

"I love you Delany. Since that night that I picked you up 4 months ago, I knew you were special. You are the most beautiful, and talented girl I have ever met. You inspire me. You went through a living hell and you came out alive. That is impressive. You are so beautiful and special and I love you with everything I have. I don't know how I would be here if I were in your shoes. But the devil doesn't know what to do with a person who just won't give up. Please Delany."

"I'm listening..." I said blinking back tears.

"I want to spend forever with you. No. I want you to be my forever. I never want to leave your side. I promise I will be there for you. I promise you will never be let down. I will always be loyal. Always. I will pick you up after you have fallen. I will stand up for you every time. Now please Delany. Give me one chance to impress you. Give me a chance to love you everyday. Will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

My heart melted. My eyes watered up. I smiled and nodded.

"You will?" He asked.

"Yes. I will!" I said, partly crying.

"YOU WILL!" He dropped his food and picked me up off of the bed. And then he attached his lips to mine. He kissed me. Over and over. I knew I made the right decision. After all, he did just feed his chick-fa-la to Kirby for me.

[aweeee you guys got what you wanted!!! Danner is officially a thing!!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now