delany stands up; 9

1.6K 45 8

Delany's POV

It was still weird. Having so many more subscribers. The numbers constantly went up. I smiled as I saw the 1.3 million mark pass. My phone buzzed and I looked at the name plastered on the screen.


It was my tanner. Since our first date, we had become best friends. We were always together and I finally felt safe. My anxiety was lower around him. It was so nice not having to worry about my life. It had been a few weeks since I saw my dad. I just hoped and prayed that he would stop by and then leave again.

Thanks tanner.

I replied.

Taco Bell to celebrate?!

How did he always know what I was thinking.

Actually I was thinking chick-fa-a.

Great answer. Be there in five.

I smiled and continued uploading the video for the day. I was so happy. My life was actually starting to look up. I had a best friend, a million fans, an amazing brother, what else could I possibly need.

A knock at the door echoed from downstairs. I smiled and jumped down the stairs. I opened the door and gave tanner a giant hug. He was slightly taller than me so I had to stand on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around him.

"Let me grab my jacket." I released our hug and ran upstairs. I returned with my t-fox hoodie and we walked out the door.

"Your my favorite." Tanner said. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. We approached the car and he opened the door for me. I was about to get in as my fathers truck pulled into the driveway.

My heart sunk. I started to panic. Tanner noticed and held my hand. My father stepped out of the truck and took 3 steps toward me.

"What is this?!" He asked me. "Delany I don't like coming home to this." I could smell the alcohol on him. And he was obviously drunk. I hid myself behind tanner. He put his arm out to protect me. My father took another two steps toward me.

"Don't come any closer. Delany get in the car." Tanner said. My dad froze in shock. He grinned.

"What did you say, boy?" My dad asked. I stood behind tanner too frightened to move.

"Your not hurting her today. Or ever again."

"Your not in charge here." My father said. I then took my spot in front of tanner.

"Back off, pa." I said.

"What, young lady." He rose his hand to hit me.

"NO!" I yelled. " I AM SO SICK OF YOU! YOU THINK YOU CAN HURT US BUT NO! I WANT YOU GONE. I DON'T WANT TO LIVE WITH YOU ANYMORE. Cash is always at grandmas so I'm always alone. You are never there! You don't care anymore! I'm not paying for the bills anymore. I am done. So just go! Go and gamble all of your money! Go and drink yourself to death. I don't care anymore!"

Both men stared at me like I was crazy. My dad gave me the stare of anger. But tanner looked proud. "Come on tanner. Let's go." I said, setting myself into the passenger seat.

And that was it. We just drove away.

[guys I'm in disbelief on how well this book is doing. It has almost 900 views which is INSANE! Thank you guys so much! Let's get this to 1k views!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now