delany gets in trouble; 2

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\\\Trigger warning///: abuse (child)

Delany's POV

I was editing the video I had made a few hours earlier when I heard a big bang come from downstairs. "Crap" I said under my breath, "he's awake."

I got up and rushed downstairs to my still slightly drunken father. "Hi dad. How was your nap?" I asked.

"Where were you?" He mumbled.


"Don't question me girl! Where were you?!" He said throwing a glass bottle at the wall. The glass shattered and I jumped with fright.

"I was at tempest, pa. You said I could go." I hoped he would remember his words. I heard Cash run out of his room and rush behind me.

"Are you okay?" He signed to me in sign language. Sign Language was our way to communicate around dad.

"Don't do your stupid hand signs!" He said taking a step closer to me. I pulled Cash behind me to get him out of they way of my fathers abuse.

"I'm sorry pa. Ple-" I was cut off by a slap to the face and then a knee into my stomach. I fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Go to your room!" He yelled at me.

"Dad stop!" Cash stood up for me, I still gasping for air on the ground.

"NOW!" I ran. I ran to my room and locked the door. I heard another bottle break hoping and praying it wasn't smashed among my brothers blonde scalp. I covered my ears, crying.

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps coming up to my room with a brutal twist to my doorknob. It was my dad.

I pushed myself back into the corner as my door burst open. "You have some nerve locking your door young lady." He smirked.

"Dad why are you doing this. What would mom think!" I yelled. He froze. My heart stopped. He hated when I mentioned mother.

"You stupid girl." He kicked me in the back and then yanked me up by my hair. I was pushed up against the wall. My arm was gripped and I was thrown into the mirror on the other side of my room. The shattered glass cut open my left arm, left leg, and forehead. And then my father left. I heard the car start and then the garage close.

A few minutes later I heard my phone buzz. It was Cash.

Ran to Korrins house and Dad threw a bottle at me. I'm okay. Are you?

I didn't have the strength to text him back for the name rang in my head again. Tanner fox.

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now