tanner gets jealous; 8

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Tanners POV

We all laughing and cheering as Corey landed his flip. We all ran outside and were screaming and cheering. I was at least until I realized that Corey wasn't with us. And neither was Lany.

I started to look around until I found them both sitting at an outside table. Corey had his arm rapped around Lany and she was covering her eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking up to my friends.

"She had an anxiety attack when I jumped. She thought I was going to hurt myself." Corey said, his eyes not leaving the beautiful girl in front of him.

"I got her Corey." I said, trying to get my date back. I sat into the chair next to Delany and moved Corey's arm off of her shoulder. I placed my down where Corey's used to be.

He walked off and laughed. I just hugged there for a bit when I slowly pulled her out of her chair. And then I just stood there. Rocking her back in forth in my arms. "I'm sorry. You okay?" I whispered onto her neck. I felt her shiver.

"I'm sorry. My anxiety gets the best of me sometimes." She whispered back.

"Don't apologize, Del." I said. She cringed when I mentioned her name. "What?" I said separating her from me.

A tear dropped down her face. "My mother called me that."

[oh my gosh 500 reads. When I posted the last chapter we had under 300. That is so mind boggling!]

i kinda like you // tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now