I So Highhhhhhhhhhh

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(FunnyXDanny) and a little bit of smut, if you'll even call it that.

Danny's POV-

We were all at a bar, and I was the only one who was sober. Meaning that I would have to baby sit the others.

Around, 3:30 I finally got them to go home. Well, everyone except funny, who spent almost the entire night getting high in the bathroom. Not to mention the drinks he had before we got there.

I was tired, and knew that he wouldn't be ok on his own, so I was on my quest to find him.


He was outside, sitting next to one of the bushes they had in front, staring off into space.

"Hey bud, lets go." I said leaning on the wood of the porch thing they had put there for no reason.

He had his knees up to his chest, and was looking at the wood on the side of the porch. Something was carved into it, and he seemed vary invested.

He put his finger on the carving and rubbed against it.

"Hey, come on" I said again, and held on my hand. He looked at me for a moment, then took it and stood up.


We walked into his apartment, it smelled like a mixture of weed, booze, and something else I couldn't make out, but it was weird.

I was just there to make sure he got home safe and put him to bed. Because last time, Johnny was in charge of babysitting, if you will, and he didn't put them to sleep, Charlie thought it was a good idea to go skinny dipping in someone else's pool, because he could've sworn it was his bathtub.

Yeh, he might've snorted crack that day but, who knows.

"Come on, lets get you to bed." I said, carrying him over my shoulder to his room.

I walked him to his room, and sat him on his bed, then left the room for him to change.

I waited in the hallway for about a minute, then knocked on the door.

"Is it safe to come in?" I joked.


I opened the door and leaned against the wall, facing him. He was in his boxers, with the blanket pulled up to his waist.

"Do you need anything, or..." I trailed off.

"Na." He mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

"K." I turned and started to open the door.

"Danny?" He asked, before I could walk out.

"Yeh?" I didn't turn to face him, hoping it would be quick so I could go home and fall asleep.

"Come here."

I sighed and closed the door. Then walked over to his bed.

He looked at me softly, with a smirk on his face.

"Closer." He chuckled.

I knelt down and looked at him confused.

He pressed his lips against mine, making me blush and sit there in confusion.

He pulled away and whispered in my ear.

"I love uuuuu." He said cutely. And pulled his head back, laughing hysterically.

"You're f-face!" He laughed.

"Fuck you." I said still blushing, and walked out of the room, flipping him off while leaving. Hearing his laughter as I left his apartment.

A/n- I got the idea from "Up In Smoke" idk why😂

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