Better Run

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The Night Before

 Danny sat with his small group of friends at a house party, knowing his luck Dylan thought it was a good idea to get Danny's crush (George Regan, or Johnny) to come over and talk. He wasn't that well known by people at their school witch something he liked about him, he was just a normal guy trying to get by, not at all as snobby as the more well known football players. 

 As they were talking Johnny could notice that Danny was a lot quieter than everyone else and just sipped on his beer, being quickly jolted awake when he heard him call his name. "Y-Yeah?"  he asked, making everyone around him giggle, but Johnny ignored them. 

 "Can I talk to you in privet?" Danny nodded, shakily getting up and following him into a closet, making his friends wolf whistle. 

 Johnny flipped them off and smiled at Danny, making him shyly look down as he closed the door leaving them both in darkness with only a small window giving them enough light to see each other because of the moon. "Are you okay?" Johnny asked, "You looked a little distracted. What's on your mind"

 Danny felt heat rise to his cheeks, he didn't think he would even notice him that night, let alone get worried because he didn't talk. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Just... Thinking..." He said, trying to play it off cool, or at least normal, but it just made Johnny frown.

 He lightly grabbed his wrists and stepped closer, making Danny's heart race and his eyes sink to the floor. "Listen, I've heard a lot of stories. I can tell when somethings wrong. I promise that whatever it is it's nothing compared to the things I've heard. So can you tell me what's wrong?" 

 Danny kept his head down and muttered 'Nothing' but Johnny didn't budge. "Look at me and tell me you're okay," Danny looked up, but instead of looking at him he closed his eyes, quickly connecting his lips with Johnny's and taking him by surprise. 

 He pulled away finally looking at him, but was met with shocked blue eyes, making his fill with tears as he ripped his wrists away from Johnny's hands and roughly threw the door open, storming out and racing outside. Johnny tried following him but stopped when he got to the front door, letting him go knowing how embarrassed he all ready was. 

- A week later-

 Danny stood by his locker, it was the end of the day and he was trying to get home as quick as he could. After what had happened he was avoiding everyone and ignored anyone who somehow found him. He closed the door to his locker and flinched so hard that he dropped his bag seeing Johnny standing at the other end of the hallway. He quickly grabbed his bag and shut his locker door, trying to blend in with the rest of the crowd before he saw him. 

 Weather it was because of his red sweatshirt or because he didn't walk fast enough but he only got a few steps before he heard his name being yelled over all the noise. Danny sprinted to the closes bathroom, thanking God that the crowd slowed Johnny down and locked the door only being a few seconds a head before he felt Johnny's weight against the door, "Danny please come out, you can't hide forever." 

 Danny felt tears sting the corner of his eyes, "Fuck..." He whispered, covering his mouth with his sleeve to muffle his sobs but Johnny could still hear it from outside the door. 

 "Danny please, I just wanna talk... I'm not leaving until I know you're okay," Danny's hands began to shake, his anxiety starting to kick in making him wonder how he would be able to get him to go away, but he dropped it when Johnny brought up getting a teacher and getting them to unlock it. 

 Once Danny opened it he refused to look him in the eyes, trying to hide his tears but quickly being unsuccessful when one fell off his cheek. "Do you want me to get someone?" Johnny asked, putting his hands on both sides of his face, trying to wipe his cheeks dry the best as he could.

 Danny shook his head and looked back down, playing with the sleeves of his sweatshirt, "C-Can I hug you?" He whispered, making Johnny nod. Danny threw his arms around his shoulders, sobbing into them as Johnny comforted him. "I love you..." He whispered, just getting shushed by Johnny.

 Danny felt his feet being lifted off of the ground and sniffled, "W-What are you doing?" 

 "Walking you home. Is that alright?" Danny nodded, and buried his face in Johnny's shoulders as he walked outside, catching the attention of a lot of people, especially their small group of friends. 

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