The Milk Fic

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Okay, this is DEFINITELY not my idea but I wanted to put my own spin on it and see it with HU. I'll always give credit to ppl even if it's for small things. But all of these one shots are my ideas unless I say otherwise :3


Danny sat leaned over the bathtub, wearing only his baggy white sweatshirt, white socks, and his snowy kitty ears. Johnny stood next to him, hooking the bag of white liquid to the shower curtain and looking down at his small boyfriend with sympathy. He knew he never liked it and would always ask him more times than needed if he was sure and the answer was always yes.

The only reason Danny would even think about agreeing to something like this is because he didn't like being hurt. They had tried it a few times before but he always ended up in tears. That's why if it was something small like talking back when Johnny would ask him to do something he would just get put on the steps for a few minutes and after they would make up. But there wasn't anything he could do about swearing. That was a straight forward punishment, washing his mouth out with soap didn't work out so well so they had to try something else.

He genitally ran his fingers through Danny's hair, kissing his cheek and looking at him sadly. Almost asking him if he wanted him to stop for the ninth time but didn't seeing the look he gave him. Johnny just smiled in return and pecked his lips, getting back up and standing behind him.

He moved Danny's sweatshirt up his hips and grabbed the dangling nozzle. He took the glass plug out of his boyfriend making him sigh, "Ready?" He asked, getting a nod from him. He slowly pushed in his entrance and rubbed his leg to calm him down, unclasping the nozzle and letting the milk lose.

Danny bit him lip, hoping the cramps wouldn't be as bad this time but, within a few seconds they started up just strong as before. He let out a whimper as a tear rolled down his cheek and stuffed his sleeve in his mouth to quiet himself. Johnny stopped the liquid and moved his hand up to Danny's stomach, rubbing it to get him to calm down. "I'm sorry baby please don't cry, we can stop here."

Danny shook his head, "J-Just... Keep going..." He whispered sadly. Johnny hesitantly started it again, earning another whimper from Danny. After a few minutes of taking breaks and sobs, they had finished the bag and Johnny had put the plug back in.

He took his hands and helped him out of the tub, sitting him down on the toilet. The start was just fine, minus the craps, but the end is what got to him. He knew Johnny wouldn't leave him alone to do it himself, last time he did that his knees gave out and he hurt himself falling down. Danny kept his head low, "I can do it," He mumbled just making Johnny frown.

"I can't leave you alone kitten I'm sorry," Danny felt more tears run down his face, Johnny tried kissing them away but didn't make his boyfriend feel any better. "Let's just get it over with-" He said, trying to pull out the plug but stopped when Danny grabbed his wrists.

"NO!" He screamed, crying even more on his shoulder. Johnny shushed him and played with his hair and after a few minutes he finally got him to calm down enough to agree to take the plug out.

Once he did he placed it on the counter and kissed his cheek, "You can let it go now," He whispered, getting no response from his smaller boyfriend, "Danny..."

"G-Go... Away..." He mumbled, his hands shaking. Johnny didn't say anything, wanting to cry because he couldn't make him feel better. And after a while Danny let go, realizing that he couldn't hold on forever, breaking down on his shoulder.

Johnny stepped back, rinsing off the plug in the sink while Danny put back on his panties. He placed the plug on the counter and walked over to Danny, picking him up before walking downstairs and filling his favorite sippy cup with juice. Giving it to him and putting on a Disney movie to make his little feel better.

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