Blood (FMXDK)

611 21 7

Dylan's 22 and Matt's 19 (in vampire years :33333)

I burred my face further in his neck to get rid of the nauseating, sour smell of the other's blood. Dylan was really the only one out of everyone else's blood that was to my standers. But occasionally I would smell something that wasn't sour, and Dylan was no where to be seen.

I'm really picky with my blood. Strictly B-negative and B-positive, witch are pretty rare. Dylan has B-negative, witch is slightly less rare as B-positive, but from how many years that I drank anything I could, I'm happy that I could get anything from him.

We were, well.... I guess he was, talking to them about song lyrics. While I was trying not to be sick. We've been at Charlie's house for like three and a half hours and I thought it would be a good idea not to eat this morning.

I wasn't paying attention to their conversation, trying to keep my mind wondering so I wouldn't lose it, when I heard Dylan whisper my name. I flinched, not expecting the sudden attention. Ever sense I joined the band, I've been really shy, and any attention was to much. Witch is why I don't really do anything other then drums.

He asked if I wanted to go out to eat, witch we both know I couldn't eat but, we had to put on a show for the others so I nodded.

- - - - - - - - -After they eat - - - - - - - - -

I laid my head against the window, feeling like I was going to throw up. Every time we would go out with them I would have to eat something. Witch would always wake me sick to my stomach. Dylan put the food he didn't finish in the back, and I tried not to gag at the smell. I rolled the window down, but as people passed by, the sour smell of their blood followed and I couldn't hold back a gag.

Dylan sat in the drivers seat as I grabbed the bag that was always under mine. "Awwww Mattie," He said moving my hair back as I gauged, "well be home soon."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I ran to the bathroom as soon as I stepped through the door. Once I got there I spat up in the toilet. Puking up the food I just had along with any blood I might have had the day before.

Dylan came in and pulled my hair out of my face while rubbing my back. After what felt like an eternity, I flushed the toilet and washed out my mouth. Dylan helped me to the living room, and sat us both down.

He rolled up his sleeve, not liking it when I eat off of his neck like most people, and I don't blame him. I hesitated taking out my fangs, and looked down at the other bite marks from the past week. They always fade away fast, me being only 19 I could still be classified as I five year old to other vampires who would be in their 30's.

I felt him kiss my fore head, "Go ahead," he whispered, "you earned it..."

I kissed his wrist and took out my fangs. I bit down as soft as I could, not liking hurting him, and let his blood drip down his arm. I licked it up, before sucking the rest out.

After a few minutes I finished and grabbed a tissue to stop the bleeding. It being like a nose bleed because of my fangs being so small. I placed it over his arm, put away my fangs, and kissed his cheek.

He pulled me on his lap, and I laid my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back gently and after a while I felt myself dosing off. After a few seconds of fighting it, I fell asleep.

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