Oxygen tank

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Matt lazily sketched the outline of a person on his old notepad just for the sake of it being more fun than sitting in his room and staring at the walls. His nose tickled a bit from the clear tubes in his nostrils, but he shrugged it off like he had been doing for the past three years.

He had been diagnosed with lung cancer when he was 20 and had been living with his roommate Dylan ever since. They had been old childhood friends and eventually split off when they went to high school because Dylan had moved to Mexico to be closer to family, but when he found out Matt was sick he came straight back. Basically forcing him to stay bedridden as long as Dylan was there.

But, when he would go to work Matt would sneak out of his room and switch over to his portable tank, trying to enjoy life as much as he could in the short amount of time he had. And that's what he was planing on doing.

They did make a deal that he wouldn't do that anymore unless it was necessary, but he only agreed to do that because Dylan was on his knees practically begging him. Plus, that was over a month ago and all he'd been doing sense then is watching movies and reading, witch was getting super old. Some fresh air would be nice.

He put his stuff on the night stand next to him and reached over to grab the portable oxygen tank that was close enough to his bed that he wouldn't have to get up. He switched the nostril tube over and stepped out of bed, standing still for a moment to get used to the feeling before slowly making his way out of his room.

He took his time, mainly because he couldn't go that fast but also to take in his surroundings. He had been living in his home for years but still didn't recognize to much of it. If he wandered around to much he'd think he'd get lost. But instead he made his way downstairs, taking almost fifteen minutes to do so because he thought that he would fall down every time he took a step.

He went into the kitchen and grabbed a pudding cup and a spoon, opening it and taking a bite. A small smile appeared on his face when he realized that this was the first thing that he'd eaten in months that he didn't need help to get. He felt so independent.

Soon his eyes trailed over to the front door and his smile grew even bigger. He knew that Dylan would be home soon and he rushed outside, not even thinking about the deal anymore and just wanting to show him how proud of himself he was. He took a seat on the first step of their porch and waited for his car to pull up as he slowly ate his pudding cup.

Once he was half-way through his cup he heard Dylan's car pull up and immediately looked up and smiled. But his tone was quickly shifted when he saw the worried look on his friends face as he quickly walked up the driveway, "Are you okay?" He asked as he grabbed the smaller ones face, "Did something happen?"

Matt looked down shyly, feeling stupid about the reason he got out of bed and worried Dylan, "N-No..." He mumbled, "I just got a pudding cup..." He gave him an awkward half smile as he watched the older man above him sigh in relief.

Dylan sat behind him and rested his head on the back of Matt's neck, "I thought we had a deal," He said, making Matt instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted some fresh air..."

Dylan rubbed the back of Matt's shoulders. Understanding that he would want to go outside after being in his room for so long, "It's fine," He sighed, " Just call me next time, okay? I don't want you to get hurt,"

Matt smiled again and nodded, finishing his pudding cup before going back inside and sitting on the couch with help from Dylan.

A/N- K so... the next one shot is my 50th and I don't have jack. So, if you could post some ideas in the comments that would be great :)

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