Tattoos (DK X FM)

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Kurllzz POV-

I woke up from another drunk night. I had a hangover, and was half hanging out of my bunk. My sleeve was rolled up so you could see my wrist. There was plastic rap sticking out of my sweatshirt. I made a confused face, and sat up. Then rolled up my sleeve, to reveal a huge tattoo that spread almost across my whole arm. Starting at my wrist, and ending about an inch away from my elbow. Saying "Funny Man A.K.A King Kong" in cursive.

My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth with my hand, the memories of last night flowing back into my mind. I was drunk, but I would NEVER think that I would do this!

I did have a small crush on the rapper, that tenoned to show when I was drunk, or high. SMALL THINGS. Like saying I loved him, slurring my words while I said it, VARY CLEARLY DRUNK.

"Matt!" I heard a familiar voice called, out of the other room. I quickly pulled my sweatshirt down to cover the words and sat up, as Dylan walked in.

"What were you doing?" He asked with a smirk, as he walked over and started to pull on my sleeve. And showing the F and the apostrophe before it, insinuating that it was a quote.

Starting to giggle, he tried to move my sleeve up more, only for me to pull my arm away and pull it down and look away. Feeling my cheeks turn red. He of course noticed and had to comment on it.

"Ooooo is it something embarrassing!" He whispered like a child.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone... But it might be hard to hide it. It is on the front of your arm."

'He's going to find out.' I thought. 'There's no way of hiding it.'

I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked

"We're going to an interview." He said, forgetting all about the tattoo, and getting up.

-After the interview-

Funny's POV-

After the interview was over the college kids left and we all sat there at the table talking. It was one we're everyone was there because it was planned, and not just out of the blue.

Matt and Johnny were talking, and Matt's tattoo was poking out, do to his sweatshirt rolling up a bit. Seeing this as an opportunity, I grabbed it and pulled it up carefully, trying not to get caught.

Once I got it pulled up all the way I read what was on it, and a huge smirk grew on my face.

"Awwww, Matt." I teased.

"What?" He asked, turning toward me, oblivious to his sleeve being pulled up.

I pointed to it and giggled. "Your so cute."

He looked down, along with everyone els and blushed, while everyone els laughed. He pulled it back down and covered his eyes, embarrassed.

"Awww, don't be like that." I said in a cute voice and pecked his cheek.

Meanwhile, Charlie in the background was dying of laughter. He picked up on this and started getting mad.

"I was fucking drunk." He growled.

Charlie, still laughing, replied with a. "Yeah sure." And Matt got up and stormed out. Making everyone else die.

"Hi'll be back." I assured.

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