Book Worm

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(Happy 5K XDDDD)

 Dylan stood in front of the couch, that now becoming his boyfriend's bed. He had been reading until he fell asleep and hadn't been coming to bed for the past two weeks. This had been happening on and off, and Dylan was getting tired of it. Matt was in the bathroom and had left the last book of 'The Hunger Games' series on the coffee table. Making Dylan pick it up as he walked out of the bathroom.

 Matt walked up behind him and hugged his back, being a little scared seeing his book in his boyfriend's hands. "What're you doing?" He asked, trying to grab it from him but Dylan wouldn't let him. Smirking seeing Matt get so upset so easily, "Give it back," He whined trying to reach for it again, but Dylan held it above his head and out of his reach. 

 "No Dylan, Prim just died and now Katniss is burning. Give it back," Dylan laughed and put his free hand on Matt's hip, pressing his forehead against his own. "Why do you hate me?"

 "What have you not been doing for the last few weeks?" He asked, ignoring his question and watching as he figured out what he had been doing. Quickly hugging Dylan tightly when he remembered. 

 "Dylan I'm so sorry. I'll come to bed tonight I promise, now give it," Dylan still didn't hand it over, putting it on the highest book shelf .

 "You'll get it back tomorrow, we're going to bed," 

 "It's 8," He whined, just making his boyfriend laugh again and pick him up, listening to him pout in his chest. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Matt dragged the chair across the floor, trying to be quiet and not get caught. He put the chair under the self and climbed on top, but was confused to find the book being gone. 

 Matt yelped feeling Dylan's arms around him as he pulled him down from the chair, just sighing as he carried him back upstairs for the second time that night. 

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