HU text messages (group chat)

713 29 5

Charles invited Da fag to the chat

Charles invited Mr.Butterfly to the chat

Charles invited J-bitch to the chat

Charles invited little lion to the chat

Charles invited THE .F. MAN to the chat

Charles: wut up fags

J-bitch: why does everyone have a bad name except u a Johnny-_-

Charles: cuz he's BAE

Mr. butterfly: shut up u probably don't even know what that means

Little lion: google says that it means someone's boyfriend or girlfriend sooo

J-bitch: ha your gay XD

Mr.butterfly: this is why you're the bitch

THE .F. MAN: lol

Da fag: lil

Charles: don't do that

Mr.butterfly: ya know there's reasons why that's you're nick name THATS one of them

Charles: question- how did Da fag get his name?

Charles: A- He's gay

Charles: B- He's gay

Charles: or C- He's gay

Little lion: ummmmmm

J-bich: all of the above

THE .F. MAN: ^^^^SAME^^^^

Mr.butterfly: lmao

Da bitch: this is pointless I'm out

Da bitch left the chat

Charles: he's just triggered

Mr.butterfly: if you're gonna use that word I'm out to

Mr.butterfly left the chat

THE .F. MAN: me to

THE .F. MAN left the chat

Little lion: I don't want to be the next victim

Little lion left the chat

J-bitch: me 2

J-bitch left the chat

Charles: fml

A/N- this was really random and not to mention really hard to type. But I like this kind of stuff so I decided to do it.

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