Flat Chested

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 George woke up and felt a blank space next to him. He rubbed his eyes a groaned, getting up and putting on a shirt along with pants. He walked to the kitchen and spotted his boyfriend standing against the counter, drinking coffee. He walked up to him and put his arms around his hips, "Hey J pup~" He whispered sweetly, grinning as he kissed the crook of his neck.

 Jay took another sip of coffee, "Hey," He grabbed George's hand in his, holding it as far away from his chest as he could, knowing that George always checked to see if he wore his binder that night. George saw right through it, and ran his hand up until he felt the tight material over his chest. 

 Jay sighed annoyed, and waited for the lecture to end, "Jay, don't tell me you slept in this all night," He started, "I thought we talked about this, you only need to wear them we you leave the house. I don't want you to hurt yourself..." 

 "I know..." Jay whispered, his voice sounding a bit higher pitched because he hadn't taken his pills yet. 

 George kissed the side of his neck, "Go on, go take it off. And I'll go get you some ice cream later." He chuckled, making Jay smile and turn around. Kissing his soft lips and heading to the bathroom

 He he took his shirt off and started at the white binder across his chest, he sighed at it and took it off, then quickly put his shirt back on. He opened the medicine cabinet and took out his pills, taking two and swallowing them dry. He walked back outside, crossing his arms over his chest as he faced George. 

 George kissed his fore head and took off his sweat shirt, putting it around Jay's shoulders. Jay smiled and zipped it up, before George picked him up in his arms and carried him to the couch. Cuddling him until he felt safe.

-A year later-

 Jay laid in his hospital bed while George played with his hair, waiting for him to wake up from his surgery. Ever sense George had met Jay and they started dating, he had been saving up for the surgery in case he ever wanted it. When George brought it up he was really excited and couldn't stop crying.

 Jay's eyes fluttered open as he looked around to see where he was. "Hey," George said while he caressed his cheek. "Hi..." He whispered back, "What are we doing here?" He asked.

 "You just got out of surgery. How do you feel?" 

 "My tits hurt," He chuckled, still pretty high from the anastasia they gave him, making George start to laugh too. 

  "Well you don't have tits now," He said after his little laughing fit.

 "I don't?" He said, lifting up the collar of the gown and seeing his scars. George sighed and laid his head on Jay's shoulder.

 "No you don't... Do you want some pain killers?" He asked, grabbing a hold of his hand. Jay shook his head.

 "No, I'm okay..." He whispered looking at George with sleepy eyes, "I love you, I-I really mean it George... I love you..." George felt his eyes get teary as he kissed Jay's cheek.

 "I know, I love you too... Now go to sleep..." Jay closed his eyes and tried to sleep off the fuzzy pain, while George pulled himself together. 

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