I am stronger now.

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It's like once I left you... I've had a better life
You were a bad role model and you never cared about anyone but yourself
You would beat yourself up saying you were ugly or unwanted... when in reality you had boys and even girls falling to your feet
You just made me feel like my life was not as important as yours
You were the disease that poisened my soul
You just were a overall bad person
I hung out with you because I thought maybe I can make you good again or maybe it was just because we had a few things in common
You were bad for me emotionally

You had some good in my life
I learned about new people that I would have never knew about before if it wasn't for you like bands and YouTubers so I thank you
I now have a new favorite show because of you introducing me to it so I thank you again
You also introduced me to some awesome people that are now really close friends in my life and now I must thank you even more because without you I wouldn't  have been where I am with all the friends I got

Even though you put me thru so much pain and self hate... you had a good impact on my life... making me the person who I am today.
I am happy.
I am no longer under your control.
I am glad I ditched you.
I am a better person than I was now.
I am stronger.

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