Fraud... Failure

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I felt like a fraud
I failed everyone
People pityed me
I fucked it up
We would have won
I could have tied it
All those free throwers
Were fake
I didn't deserve them
I didn't even get a foul
I am a fraud
If I would have made the basket
Then we would have tied up
We could have gone on for another quarter
We could have won...
But I fucked it up
Hell I wasn't even listening to the referee when I had to throw in the ball
At the end it all hit me
I tried to play it off like it was cool
With all the smiles and laughs
When in the inside I am crying and screaming at myself
I should've blocked her from making that shot
If I would have then it would be tied
We could have won
I cried and cried in front of someone
I hated it
Damn now I am a fucking cry baby
Crying over a fucking game
I feel stupid
They pityed me
I got the free throws because the referee knew my dad
It was all fake
Even though I didn't even make the free throws
The fact they gave them to me for no reason
Everything I did this game was a Lie
And so many very bad shots
I failed you all


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