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OK so my mom and I went to the u of a to talk about college and stuff and in one of the presentations it said don't be scared to take tutoring and my mom said well your math teacher offered you tutoring but you never did it and right now I want to say why I don't want to take that tutoring class Well... it's because I don't learn anything by going and I leave with the same amount of knowledge just with less confidence in myself to solve any equations or graph shit. Now I am afraid to attempt the problem because now I will just fail him or get another lecture and then if I don't go in for tutoring then he will give me a lecture about that. He always seems to put me down for not knowing something and lecturing me about it instead of teaching me what I don't know plus if I didn't understand it the first time he taught it what makes you think when he reteachs it that I will get it cause he explains it the same exact way and plus he isn't a student that took what he said and simplified it to make it understandable to me except for this one girl that I really have to say thank you to because if it wasn't for her I would have never pasted math... she really is amazing because she put it in a way that made sense and instead of lecturing about not knowing this she taught me it in an understandable way... also there was another girl that would do the same exact thing with lecturing people about not knowing and making them feel stupid but when she got it wrong she just laughed it off and was like that's fine uhh I hated her for that moment but I would still just ask the other girl to help and avoid her as much as possible when talking because she would also start arguments that don't need to happen because I already said I was wrong cause I was talking about the answer before... so as for my mom I lied to her and I said I went in at lunch to talk to him for tutoring but instead I asked that girl for help before class and now I have a 101% so thank you for all the help and support you gave me. I owe you one. THANK YOU!

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