1) London arrivals.

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I got off the plane in London, the wind nipping at any uncovered skin.
"I really should have checked the weather before coming" I laughed.
"Yeah, you really should have" my cousin Alex said behind me. I rolled my eyes with a light laugh.
I was moving in with her in London. I was excited to say the least.
We went inside and grabbed our bags from the baggage carousel. We then walked out to Alex's car and put our bags in the back. We were off to my new home.
"Come on I'll show you your bedroom" Alex said.
"Ok" I said and left my bags at the bottom of the stairs whilst I followed her to my room.
"And here it is" she said opening a door.
"Wow" I said walking in "it's amazing thank you so much" I said hugging her.

She laughed

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She laughed.
"It's fine, I knew you'd love it"
"Of course I mean how could I not I mean look at it"
"Well I'll let you settle in" she said and patted my shoulder before walking off. I had a look around the room before I went and grabbed my bags and began putting my things away in my new room.
"Hey Sky come down here" Alex yelled from down stairs.
"Hang on just two seconds" I said and jumped on the mario flag pole. "Coming" I called putting down the controller and i ran down stairs. I looked around the house. "Where are you?" I called.
"I'm outside" she called. I went outside. "I didn't get you anything for your birthday or Christmas for 5 years so here you go" she said pulling a giant cloth off a blue sports car.

 "I didn't get you anything for your birthday or Christmas for 5 years so here you go" she said pulling a giant cloth off a blue sports car

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"Oh my gosh you didn't have to" I said.
"But I wanted to" she smiled. "Plus you need something to get you to work"
"Wait work?" I asked. "I don't have a job"
"Yes you do, I got you one at the radio station. They listened to a few of your old broadcasts and liked you"
"You really did that?" I asked.
"Of course you have to pay rent some how" Alex laughed.
"When do I start?" I asked.
"In four days"
"Oh ok" I said.
"But you have to meet your new boss tonight" Alex said and handed me the keys to the car.
"At what time?" I asked and had a look inside.
"At 4, so an hour" she said.
"And how long does it take to get to the radio station?" I asked.
"20 minutes" she replied.
"Awesome, I have 40 minutes to get ready plenty of time" I smiled. "And thanks again for the car" I said and went inside to get ready for the meeting.

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