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"I'm scared Phil" I said my social anxiety kicking in.

"It's going to be ok, my little lions brave isn't she? And she can do this for me, so then when we get home nothing but movies and cuddles" Phil said.

"Bu-" I began.

"If at any point you start getting too overwhelmed just come outside and one of us will come and make sure your ok" Dan said.

"D-do they know about us?" I asked.

"No we are telling them tonight" Phil said. I nodded and we walked over to the door, I let go of Phil's hand so nothing would be asked. We were shown to a table where a couple of people sat. Dan pulled out a chair for me I smiled and sat down.

"So everyone this is Skylar, Skylar this is Zoe, Alfie, Joe, PJ, Chris, Jim, Tanya and Louise" Dan said going around the table naming people. We all said hi.

"Sorry we kept you waiting, we had to fix a few things up at the radio station" Phil said.

"No no that's fine, we haven't been here that long actually" Jim said.

"Are you ready to order?" A waiter asked. And we went around the table saying what we wanted.

"So Sky what do you do as a job?" Pj asked.

"Me? Oh- I-I w-ork a-at th-the-" I felt a hand on mine I looked to see Zoe.

"It's ok" she mouthed. I took a breath.

"I-I work at th-the radio station" I said. "What about you guys?"

"We're all Youtubers" Zoe said.

"Oh" I said.

"It's fine relax" Dan said. Soon they all started little conversations with each other. Our food got placed infront of us and we ate.

"How are you feeling?" Phil asked. I picked up my hand and it was slightly shaking. I let out a small nervous laugh.

"Your doing great" Zoe said with a smile.

"Thanks and thanks from before" I said.

"No problem" she smiled and went back to talking to Joe.

"You ready?" Dan asked Phil and I, we both nodded. "Hey guys can I just say something real quick?" Dan said and they went quiet. "So I've found my soulmate" they began congratulating him and thought I was automatically the soulmate.

"I also have" Phil said.

"Ok then which one is Skylar?" Chris asked.

"Well that's where it gets slightly weird myself Skylar and Phil are each others soulmate so we have two each" Dan said.

"Have there been any other situations like this that you know of?" Louise asked.

"There's one in every I think it was two thousand relationships" Phil said.

"Oh ok well that means that you's are very special" Louise said with a smile.

"And here we were this whole time thinking you two were gay, not that there's any problem with that" Joe laughed.

"Well then we were half right" Tanya said.

"True" Joe said. We all went back to little conversations. Soon we were done and saying our goodbyes. Dan, Phil and I waited till everyone left before grabbing a taxi.

WAIT! I have two soulmates? (A Dan and Phil X OC)Where stories live. Discover now