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"You found one yet?" Dan asked walking over.

"I'm stuck between two movies" I said.

"Which ones?" Phil asked.

"Lion king and high school musical" I said.

"How about we watch the lion king" Dan said.

"Really?" Phil asked.

"Yeah" Dan said, Phil hugged Dan and grabbed the movie. "I'll get popcorn" Dan said and walked out. Phil put the movie in and disappeared out the door. I sat down and got comfy. Phil walked back in with a large fluffy blanket.

"hey it's getting late did you want to maybe stay the night?" Phil asked.

"Um sure" I smiled. Phil jumped up and went out of the room.

"She said yes" I heard Phil tell Dan excitedly. I smiled and Dan walked in a bowel of popcorn in his hands.

"Did you want a change of clothes?" He asked.

"If you don't mind" I said.

"I'll be back"  he said, he placed the bowel on the coffee table and walked out. He soon came back in with a shirt and track pants. "Just change in the bathroom" I took the clothes and changed.

"these are huge" I laughed walking into the lounge where the boys were all set up.

"Aww haha you look adorable" Phil said. I sat between them and we pulled the blanket up over us and the movie started. I quickly got out my phone and texted Alex.

Skylar to Alex; hey just letting you know I'm staying the night at Dan and Phil's place.

Alex to Skylar; ok ;) haha see you tomorrow

"Everything alright?" Dan asked.

"Yeah I was just letting Alex know I was staying the night" I said.

"Ok" he said. Throughout the lion king Phil and I sang along to every song and did our best to hold back reciting the movie word for word. By the end of the movie I was cuddling into Dan's side.

"Someones tired" Phil said as I yawned. "I'll go set up the spare bed" he got up and left. Dan pulled the blanket tighter around me.
"Did you enjoy the movie?" Dan asked drawing figure 8's on my arm.
"Yeah" I said with a yawn. Dan smiled.
"I know I did" he said quietly. Soon phil came back in. "Beds set up come on" he scooped me up.

"I can walk you know" I yawned.

"I know" Phil said as he carried me up the stairs into the office. Phil laid me down on the bed he had made up and pulled the blanket over me. "Good night" he said and kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"Good night Phil" I said and Phil walked out and Dan walked in.

"Sweet dreams princess" he said and kissed my cheek.

"Sweet dreams Dan" I said and he left turning off the light. I got comfy and drifted off to sleep.

WAIT! I have two soulmates? (A Dan and Phil X OC)Where stories live. Discover now