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I woke up both boys were still asleep. I managed to climb out of bed without waking them. I decided to make then breakfast. I had a look around and decided pancakes would be the way to go. I made the pancake mix and started cooking up the pancakes I danced around a little bit to a little bit of music quietly playing on my phone. Once all three plates had four neatly stacked pancakes. I grabbed a few things they might want on their pancakes including some maple syrup, whipped cream, lemon and a few other things. I walked in and put the plates on Phil's dresser. I climbed on the bed.

"Dan, Phil time to wake up" I said in a soothing voice they both opened their eyes.

"What's wrong princess?" Dan asked grabbing my hand.

"Nothing's wrong, I made you breakfast in bed" I said with a proud smile. I got off the bed and the two boys sat up. Phil put his glasses and I handed them their plate of pancakes as well as knife and fork. I placed the plate with toppings in the middle and grabbed my plate sitting across from them.

"Thank you Sky" Phil said as he ate I smiled.

"It's fine you's always do it for me" I said.

"But still" Dan said. "Hey um Phil and I have been talking for a while about something"

"Yeah go ahead" I said.

"So well it's two things really" Phil said.

"Uh huh?"

"Ok firstly we were wondering if you were ok if Phil and I came out to our subscribers about our relationship" Dan said.

"Yeah that's fine. I'm 100% ok with that" I said.

"Cool and secondly you know Phil and I are going on tour again soon we were wondering if you a) wanted to come with us and b) come with us on stage to do like an official unveiling of our amazing girlfriend?" Dan asked.

"Of course I'll come with you, but the onstage part I'll have to think about" I said.

"That's ok" Phil said. "Take your time it's a big thing to ask" I smiled and picked up the dirty plates.

"Uh uh I've got it you cooked I'll clean" dan said taking them off of me and pecking me on the lips.

"Thank you Dan" I smiled.

"No problem" he said and left with the dishes.

"Come here" Phil said putting his arms out I sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me to the bed. I looked up at Phil he looked adorable in his glasses. I smiled at him and buried my face into his chest he gave me a quick squeeze.

"You promised me movies and cuddles" I mumbled into his shirt.

"You fell asleep" he said

"Not fair"

"After I film today we can ok?"

"Fine" I said and got up.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"You need to film" I said.

"Not this minute I don't"

"Well I'm going to see if Dan wants cuddles" I pouted poking my tongue out. Phil chuckled getting up. I walked into the kitchen where Dan was doing dishes. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him resting my face on his back.

"What's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be cuddling with Phil?" Dan asked.

"He has to record a video so he can't cuddle and watch movies like he promised" I pouted. Dan put the last plate in the drainer before turning around and cupping my face with his hands.

"How about you and me watch movies and cuddle?" Dan asked.

"Yeah" I smiled and pecked his lips. Which then turned into making out. Dan lifted me up setting me on the bench my arms wrapped around his neck playing with his hair. He bit my bottom lip and tugged on it.

"Come on guys not in the kitchen" Phil said walking in. I blushed and buried my face into Dans shoulder he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. Dan carried me out of the kitchen and into the lounge.

WAIT! I have two soulmates? (A Dan and Phil X OC)Where stories live. Discover now