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I walked up to the door and knocked. A few seconds later it opened and There stood mum. She pulled me into a hug.

"Hello how are you?" She said.

"I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good Karla is in her room" I walked inside and knocked.

"What?" I heard her yell.

"Fine I'll leave then" I called and the door swung open. And she hugged me. "Happy birthday squirt" I said. I got out my phone and recorded her reaction.

"Thank you" she said. I handed her the bag which was a pixel Dan and Phil bag. "Oh my gosh I love it" she said.

"Open it" I said and she went through all the stuff. She was so happy. She got to the bottom where the wrapped box with tickets were. She pulled out the box out and unwrapped it. She pulled off the lid and screamed jumping up and hugging me.

"Oh my god I can't believe it oh my god I love you so much ahhh" she pulled back and was literally crying.

"If your crying now how are you going to go when you meet them?" I asked holding up the meet and greet passes. Her eyes went wide and she practically collapsed to the floor crying her eyes out.

"What did you do?" Mum asked walking in.

"I got her tickets to these two guys who are on tour at the moment" I said.

"These guys I-I get to see th-these guys" Karla sobbed pointing to her Dan and Phil poster. Mum just laughed.

"Don't worry I have everything set up she just needs to figure out which friend she's taking" I said. Karla froze before grabbing her phone. I shook my head and me and mum walked out leaving Karla to find her friend.

"So when do I get to meet your two-" I laughed

"I'm going to bring them back with me after the show I wanted to have some family time before they get here" I said.

"Ok" she said. "Your father should be home soon. Do you want a drink?"

"Just some water please" I said and sat at the table.

"So are they nice?"

"Oh they are the sweetest boys you could ever meet" I said and the front door opened.

"Hello I didn't know you were going to be here today" dad said. I got up and hugged him.

"Surprise" I smiled.

"So where are they?" He asked. I laughed shaking my head.

"They will be over later. I'm taking Karla out to a show and they will be coming back with us" I said.

"Ok" dad said and we sat at the table. Mum placed a cup of water in front of me.

"Thank you" I said.

"So these boys?" Dad said.

"They are so sweet they honestly wouldn't hurt a fly" I said.

"Do they drink do they smoke?" Dad asked.

"They aren't alcoholics but they occasional drink" I said "and no they don't smoke at all"

"Daddy" Karla Said and gave dad a hug. "Sky gave me the best present ever" she said and showed mum and dad all the stuff in the bag. Soon there was a knock at the door it was Karla's friend. They went and got ready.

Skylar to Phil- hey phil xx can you send the van around soon? Love you.

Phil to Skylar- yeah, I'll send it over in about 15 minutes. Love you too little lion.

I smiled. And texted back 'thank you.' Soon the van arrived and I went to karla's room.

"Our rides here" I said knocking on the door. The door opened and the two girls were stood there in Dan and Phil shirts and cat whiskers on their faces. "You ready?"

"Yes" they both said and we said bye to mum and dad before going and getting in the van.

"Oh my gosh I can't wait we actually get to meet the Dan and Phil" Karla said her feet stamping against the bottom of the bus. "Oh yeah Sky this is my friend Nicky" Karla said.

"Nice to meet you Nicky" I said.

"You too thank you so much for the tickets" she said.

"It's no problem" I said with a smile.

"Wait wait if we're going to meet them you need the whiskers" Karla said facing me.

"No permanent marker" I said.

"It's ok it's white board marker its Easier to get off and to fix up" she said and knelt on the seat beside me. I turned to her and went cross eyed. She laughed.

"Do you was a circle or triangle nose?" She asked.

"Or a heart" Nicky asked.

"You know I'm terrible at hearts" Karla said sitting on her feet.

"I'll do it pass the marker" Nicky said kneeling on the seat in front of me. Karla passed her the marker and Nicky drew a heart on my nose then Karla drew my whiskers on my cheeks. Karla and Nicky looked at each other and burst out laughing. I checked in the reflection of my phone nothing inappropriate was on my face.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I don't know" Karla laughed.

"I-it's th-the sharpie fumes" Nicky laughed. I shook my head with a small chuckle.

"Ladies were here" the driver Dave said.

"Come on out you's get" I said and they both got out.

"Thanks Dave" I said.

"No problem Sky" he said and I closed the door.

"Dan and Phil are just inside that building" Nicky said and both girls squealed. I smiled.

"Come on then don't want to keep them waiting" I said and we went and got in the meet and greet line.

"Ok so remember this ones Dan and this is Phil" Karla said pointing to the boys on the book. "Ok so who are they"

"Dan and Phil" I said.

"Yes and which one is this?" She asked flipping to a page in the book.

"Phil" I said. And that's what how the 45 minute cue went.

WAIT! I have two soulmates? (A Dan and Phil X OC)Where stories live. Discover now