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(Whoa long chapter........ oops)

"You did great" Dan said kissing me on the cheek.

"Dan make sure you tell her next time" Phil said once again holding my hand.

"She was fine" Dan said. "Weren't you?"

"She was shaking she was so scared Dan, how did you not see it?" Phil said.

"She could have walked out at any point for a breather"

"And drawn more attention to herself which would have worsened it" Phil said. "Even Zoey was worried about her"

"Are you saying I wasn't worried about her?"

"Please stop it I'm right here" I said.

"Sorry" they both said. I smiled and rested my head on Dan's shoulder.

"Tired babe?" Dan asked and I nodded. "It's ok go to sleep" he said. I let my eyes close as I drifted off.

I woke up to a hushed yelling. I sat up rubbing my eyes. I realised I wasn't in the dress anymore but one of Phil's shirts.

"What are you trying to say?!" I heard Dan shout but trying to be quiet. I walked out and checked his room, nope. They weren't in the kitchen must be in the lounge.

"I'm not trying to say anything Dan. I'm just saying it was terrible putting her on the spot like that you know she has social anxiety. Zoey was even worried that she was going to hyperventilate or have a panic attack or even pass out" Phil said loudly but still trying to be quiet.

"She was fine. At any point she could have said something" Dan argued. They were fighting this is the first time they've fought when I'm around or ever to my knowledge and it was about me. A tear slid down my cheek they were fighting because of me.

"Dan you don't understand it do you? Would you even care if she had a panic attack whilst we were there?"

"Of course I would Phil, I love her you sound like your trying to tell me I don't but I do" I slid down the wall wrapping my arms around my legs, I rested my forehead on my knees more tears fell.

"I'm not saying that. But think about her next time"

"Whatever" Dan said and I heard footsteps. "Oh Sky" I heard Dan say softly. He knelt down beside me and rubbed my back. "What's wrong?" He asked. I hugged my knees tighter.

"What's going on?" Phil said walking out. "Dan what'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything, I walked out here and saw her like this" Dan defended.

"Stop please" I sobbed.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" Phil said kneeling down beside me and rubbed my arm.

"Y-You's were f-fighting and a-about m-me" I sobbed into my arms.

"Baby it's ok, we're sorry for fighting it wasn't even fighting it was just a little disagreement" Dan said. I shook my head. I got up and walked past them to Phil's room. I walked in and closed the door. I grabbed the totoro teddy and sat on Phil's bed, cuddling totoro.

"Stupid social anxiety you ruin everything. I hate it. It's my fault they're fighting, if I didn't have this stupid ugh" I screamed into the teddy and just cried "it's not fair, why me? why do I have to have it? I just wish it'd go away" I felt the bed dip on either side of me. I sniffled and kept crying.

"It's ok relax shhh" I heard Phil hush.

"We're here, it's ok now, it's ok" Dan said. I started chocking up as I sobbed. "Hey, hey, sh shh calm down it's ok" Dan said. I shook my head back and forth squeezing totoro. "Hey babe, Sky hey can you hear me" I nodded "Phil I think she's having a panic attack"

"I'll call Zoey and see if she can help" Phil said. I could hear the ringing.

"Ok listen to my voice it's going to be ok it's ok we're here" Dan said softly.

"Hello?" Zoey's voice came through the phone.

"Hey Zoey we think Sky's having a panic attack and we don't know what to do"

"What's she doing?" Zoey asked.

"Her breathing is uneven, she's crying, she's shaking and she's clammy" Phil said.

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yeah" Phil said.

"So Sky can hear me?"

"Yes" Phil said.

"Hey Sky can you hear me?" Zoey asked, I nodded.

"She nodded" Dan said rubbing my arm.

"One of you go get a drink" Zoey said. "Sky it's ok it's going to be ok. What brought this on? Dan, Phil?"

"She found Phil and I arguing about her" Dan said.

"Boys" Zoey scoffed, I let out a small laugh my breathing beginning to settle. "Was that a laugh Sky?" Zoey asked.

"Y-y-yeah" I said.

"Everything's going to be ok breathe ok in....... And out" I breathed as she said. Zoey repeated the breathing a couple more times Until my breathing was under control. Phil came back with a bottle of water.

"Th-thanks Zoey" I said.

"Are you alright now?" Zoey asked with a yawn.

"Yeah just a l-little shaky" I said.

"Ok I'm going to go back to bed, if you need me just call"

"Ok thanks again Zoey" Dan said.

"You and Phil behave" she said.

"Yes Zoey" they said in sync.

"Ok bye" she said and Phil hung up the phone.

"You feeling better?" Phil asked and I nodded.

"We are so sorry" Dan said.

"It's not y-your fault" I said wiping my eyes.

"Yes it is, we shouldn't have been fighting" Phil said. I drank some of the water.

"I'm going back to bed" I whispered.

"Do you want to be alone or?" Dan asked. I shook my head.

"Will both of you stay please?" I asked softly.

"Sure I'll go get changed and turn everything off" Dan said. I nodded and he walked out Phil stripped down to his boxers and went into his drawers getting a shirt. I wolf-whistled and Phil turned around. He laughed.

"I didn't know you were watching" I playfully winked and pulled the blankets over me. Phil climbed into bed he took totoro and put it beside the bed so i cuddled up to Phil. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "I love you little lion" he whispered. I smiled and blushed a little

"I love you too Phil" I said and Dan walked in he climbed in and cuddled me and Phil from behind me.

"Good night princess I love you" Dan said.

"Goodnight, I love you too Daniel" I said and Dan chuckled kissing my head before we all went to sleep.

WAIT! I have two soulmates? (A Dan and Phil X OC)Where stories live. Discover now