1.The awkward moment when you're trying to explain something, but you're not really sure how to put it into words
(props to SUPERT4REK for that one)
2.The awkward moment when you wave back at somebody who wasn't even waving at you
3.The awkward moment when you're staring off into space, then realize you were staring directly at somebody the entire time
4.The awkward moment when you're making wild hand gestures, then accidentally hit somebody in the face
5.The awkward moment when you say something totally hillarious and nobody laugh
6.The awkward moment when you say something totally hillarious and the other person is like "you already told me"
7.The awkward moment when you're eating something crunchy in a quiet room
8.The awkward moment when the teacher calls on you to answer a question, and you don't know the answer
9.The awkward moment when you're trying to get past someone, and your butts brush together
10.The awkward moment when you some to school wearing your shirt or pants incorrectly
11.The wakward moment when you bump into one of your teachers outside of school
12.The awkward moment when you trip over nothing
13.The awkward moment when you're eating like a pig, and everyone suddenly starts watching you
14.The awkward moment when you're listening to music and start singing along out of habbit, then the room suddenly grows quiet and everyone starts staring at you.
15. The awkward moment when you try to make an epic shot by throwing trash into a trashcan from far away, then miss.
Humorwell the title says it all. These are a few jokes, puns, and weird facts I've heard, read, ect. So enjoy :D