1.At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
2.Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
3.If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
4.Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like that?
5.Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
6.Is there a time limit of fortune cookie predictions?
7.Since bread is squared, why is sandwhich meat round?
8.If ghosts can walk through walls and slide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?
9.If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said he 'died laughing'?
10.Why does 'caregiver' and 'caretaker' mean the same thing?
11.How far east can you go before you're heading west?
12.If london bridge is standing why is there a song about it falling down?
13.Is there ever a day where matresses are not on sale?
14.Do the minutes on movie boxes include the credits, previewsc and special features or just the movie its self?
15.In some books, why do they have blank pages at the very end?
16.If parents say, "Never take candy from strangers" then why do we celebrate Halloween?
17.What does PU stand for (as in "PU, that stinks!")?
18.Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them?
19.Why do people say "heads up" when you should duck?
20.Do bald people get dandruff?
21.Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
22.Why do superheros wear their underwear on the outside of their clothes?
23.Can you cry under water?
24.Why Does Pluto Live in a dog house, eat dog food, etc. but Goofy, who is also a dog, lives in a condo and drives a car?
25.Why doesn't Winnie the Pooh ever get stung by the bees he messes with?
26.Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey?
27.Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US?
28.Why don't British people ever sound British when they sing?
29.Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed?
30.Does the postman deliver his own mail?
31.Why does toilet bowl cleaner only come in the color blue?
32.Why are women and men's shoe sizes different?
33.If prunes are dehydrated plums, where does prune juice come from?
34.Why is there a light in the fridge, but not in the freezer?
35.How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Humorwell the title says it all. These are a few jokes, puns, and weird facts I've heard, read, ect. So enjoy :D